Anadalusite in Sericite Shist
stock #AX-35-159
Cargo Muchacho Mountains, Imperial County
United States
5.7 x 3.9 x 3.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $300
Late Summer 2018
Something a bit unusual, the main Andalusite crystal is well-formed and over 3.5 CM across. Nice overall composition, the biggest Andalusite is quite well exposed from the Schist. Ex S. Alverson collection, this was collected in 1980, but not at any of the noted mines, just a small prospect. Microscopic exam finds many Hematite crystals and one Kyanite in the matrix as well. A fine, less common California specimen and a nice prismatic crystal of Andalusite.
Andalusite (showing Pinite alterations)
stock #16.1-1274
Lusens Valley, Sellrain Valley. Northern Tyrol
8 x 7.4 x 4.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $290
Spring 2017
A classic Tyrolian Andalusite, several sharp crystals are well-exposed from enclosing Quartz. These old Austrian specimens are some of the best examples of this specie, which is usually not very impressive. This is in fine condition and has strong esthetics. With several old labels, this is a about as sharp and perfect as these crystals get.