From the Idar Oberstien area that is famed for its Basalt flow minerals most notably fine Agates. This is a delicate and sharply formed replacment of a flowerlike spray of Glauberite bladed crystals enclosing a vug. All the Glauberite are now replaced by Quartz with the inner part showing a zone of Amethyst fingers. Some fingers show the hollow void where the Glauberite crystals had been. An older specimen ex Ruth Palmer and William Hladysz collections. This is a bit similar to some New Jersey (USA) casts often seen with Prehnite replacing Anhydrite.
Galena Ps. Pyromorphite - classic
stock #13.1-412
Kautenbach, Traben-Trarbach, Hunsruck
7.1 x 6.2 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $650
Late Summer 2018
One of the most respected European classics are the Pyromorphites that were pseudomorphed by Galena from Kautenbach. This specimen has very sharp and distinct hexagonal crystals that in some cases are fully pseudomorphed to Galena and a few have a later regrowth of an outer layer of Pyromorphite. The crystals are well exposed and stand up above the matrix. Very clean damage wise, the crystals on this specimen are small but much more distinct than usual from this classic locale. Ex Seaman museum, most specimens of this sort we have handled had larger crystals but also far larger price tags, usually in the 4-8K range. This is a good example of this treasured classic that is affordable but still choice.
stock #18.1-282
Rosenburg Mine, Braubach, Bad Ems District, Lahn Valley
4.2 x 2.3 x 2 CM (miniature)
price: $680
Worldwide mix summer
A perfect, undamaged small Pyromorphite with a pleasing form from the classic Bad Ems area. A thin plate of matrix crystalized all around with mustard green pyros some of which have a yellow tip. This region is world renowned for the many fine Pyromorphites that it once produced, especially the large brown hoppered crystals. This old piece is of a less common style and color. Remarkable to be 360 degree displayable and completely damage free. One face of the specimen has less green and more typical brown but even that side displays well too. The Rosenburg Mine closed in 1963, and it was most active in the late 19th and early 20th century. Specimens of this quality are usually quite old and have passed through many hands, making it rare to be so pristine.
A fine, vintage classic specimen of very large Pyromorphite crystals that are partly altered to Galena but are mostly still Pyro. The Kautenbach mine is one of the most distinctive of all European locales and the Galena Pseudomorphs are highly prized. Pyromorphite in sharp hexagons to 2.5 CM across with some zones of Galena coatings and alterations. The oldest label lists a date of 1880, and this is in remarkable condition given that age. Most crystal faces are sharp and complete but some minor edge wear is present. Excellent patina, the Pyro crystals are huge for the location and about as large as were found. Perhaps not a "beautiful" mineral specimen but to many collectors these old Pyros are real treasures. Choice.
Cerussite -vintage from classic locale
stock #A-22-269
Freidrichssegagen Mine, Frucht, Bad Ems District
3.2 x 2.6 x 2.3 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $380
new june 17
An old, very gemmy Cerussite with several different crystal habits present with label from the mining Acadamy at Freiberg (Bergakademie Freiberg). The Bad Ems area once had many lead mines and was famed for its great Pyromorphites. The Cerussites could also be quite fine as seen here but many old pieces do not have a clear mine atribution. This piece is clearly noted as from the Friedrichsegen mine, which closed in 1913. The condition is excellent.
stock #17.1-279 (A7)
Bad Ems
2.8 x 2.6 x 2.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $90
new june 17
Choice, classic thumbnail of flesh colored Pyromorphites showing fine Barrel shaped crystal form and hoppered terminations. A small bit of adhering Barite is noted but mostly this is all Pyro. A nice arrangement very three dimensional with good luster. Magnification shows the main crystals are undamaged but areas at the edges have some chipping, not visible by naked eye. A good, affordable German specimen.
Pyromorphite - large crystals, classic
stock #15.1-059
Bernkastel-Kues (Mosel) Hunsruck
4 x 3.1 x 3.1 CM (miniature)
price: $890
pre Tucson 2015 update
A classic Pyromorphite from the very famous old locale of Bernkastel (Mosel) that produced the sought after Galena pseudomorphs after Pyromorphite. This is mostly unaltered Pyromorphite with the largest barrel shaped crystal 2.5 CM across. While black coatings and other alterations are noted, the Pyromorphite is mostly olive green and yellowish. There is some chipping as nearly all of these have but it is small and for some quite forgivable as this was probably collected well over 150 years ago. These are now quite rare in any condition.