Mercurian Tetrahedrite - var. Schwazite
stock #16.1-716
Brixlegg, Schwatz area, Inn Valley, North Tyrol
7 x 5.1 x 4.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Spring 23
Schwazite is the old name for this rare Mercury-rich Tetrahedrite, from the classic type locality of Schwaz (Austria). This is a well-crystalized specimen of the variety, something almost never seen in the market. Most of the large crystals are in very good condition, though there is some broken bits as seen but minor and forgivable in this fragile specie. The biggest crystal is large for the variety at 1.6 CM across most others are about 1 CM. Recently the name for this specie is proposed to become Tetrahedrite Hg, but for now and for over 100 years it has been Schwazite. Classic, rare and far better than average.
6.3 x 4.8 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $850
Post Tucson 2022
A fine historic specimen of lustrous deep green crystals of Epidote from the Tyrol. This piece was in the noted collection of Alfred Sterns which was sold at auction to the famed US collector Wallace Gould Levison in 1895. This became Levison's specimen number 1604. Both collectors had affixed their handwritten labels to the piece which still exist. The Sterns label seems to date to pre 1860 era but we have no concrete proof of the actual vintage.
The specimen itself is in very good condition as seen, it has clusters of Jackstraw crystals almost 3 cm tall standing above a thin matrix. We do not have a specific locality from Tyrol for the piece since at that time over 130 years ago that level of detail was almost never noted. We will include a photocopy of the relevant page of Levison's handwritten collection ledger as well. This is both a choice quality specimen and a remarkable vintage piece with fine provenance.
Adularia etc. - vintage Austrian
stock #21.1-201
Pragraten am Grobvenediger, Lienz District
8.6 x 6.3 x 4.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $290
New Year 22
A fine old Austrian alpine specimen with well-formed Adularia crystals that have color zoning from what seems to be Hematite inclusions. In excellent condition this comes with vintage European labels, one from Freiberg. Close exam with good magnification also finds tiny crystals of Sphene, Clinochlore and Rutile but these are not evident in a normal display. Presents well for display the Adularia are up to 1.8 CM and undamaged.
Albite - vintage specimen var. Adularia
stock #21.1-078
Greiner (Greinerberg) Finkenberg, Zillertal, Schwatz District
4.7 x 3.1 x 1.5 CM (miniature)
price: $80
Late Summer 2021
Gemmy and bright small Adularia crystals in two generations on a thin matrix plate. This specimen comes in an antique handmade display box of cardboard that has had a round hole cut into the top and a glass sheet installed. Old labels are included. The specimen is in excellent condition, the labels reference an early alpine locality now known as the Greiner area of Schwatz, Tyrol. All of the Adularia are transparent on close exam. Unfortunately it is impossible to know the exact vintage of this piece or the names of the early collectors but it is still a very nice antique presentation.
Almandine on Schist
stock #16.1-699
Otz Valley, North Tyrol
8.7 x 6.3 x 4.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $340
A sharp 3.8 CM Garnet is nicely perched on a silver- green Schist from this classic old locality. The Garnet is in excellent condition, is well exposed (and absolutely not "glued on"!). This is an old specimen yet it has not been enhanced as was often done years ago with faces polished or even painted on to add color. This is fully natural and quite esthetic, with no damage or edge wear.
Garnet (Almandine)- Antique specimen
stock #13.1-387
Ziller Valley, North Tyrol
4.5 x 3.4 x 3 CM (miniature)
price: $140
Late Summer 2018
A very old (18th century) Tyrolian Garnet specimen from the Zillertal. This area has been the source of Almandine for centuries, these were sold and traded worldwide. This comes with an early Julias Bohm label and a much older (crumbling) one as well as an affixed one on the specimen back. The matrix is an unusual one, a complex mix with Actinolite, Hematite, Magnetite, Quartz and more unusual, small Galena and other Sulfides. Not the usual mica Schists we typically see from the Tyrol. The main crystal is well exposed and complete 1.5 CM in diameter and has some good translucent areas.
Almandine -fine crystals on Schist
stock #17.1-019
Granatenkogel North Slope, Gaisberg Valley. Bergurgl, Gurgler Valley, Ot
6.7 x 5 x 3.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $220
Pre Holiday 2017
An esthetic, old Garnet specimen with crystals to 2.8 CM in impeccable condition. What sets this piece apart is the rich red color and translucency, which is far better than most. Well presented and exposed in a nice composition. As is often the case with these Austrian classics, there has been a thin layer of clear shellac or varnish applied which stabilized the often crumbly Schist matrix and adds a little luster to the garnets. This is now seen as an undesirable tactic but in the 19th century it was common. This can be removed with Acetone if desired but it is historicaly accurate to keep it as well.
Andalusite (showing Pinite alterations)
stock #16.1-1274
Lusens Valley, Sellrain Valley. Northern Tyrol
8 x 7.4 x 4.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $290
Spring 2017
A classic Tyrolian Andalusite, several sharp crystals are well-exposed from enclosing Quartz. These old Austrian specimens are some of the best examples of this specie, which is usually not very impressive. This is in fine condition and has strong esthetics. With several old labels, this is a about as sharp and perfect as these crystals get.