Celestite (Barian Celestine)
stock #AC-313
9.7 x 7.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $325
Early summer 2021
A beautiful glassy spray of powder blue crystals radiating upward from a massive base. This is a very old specimen from the classic Sulfur locality that has been mined for many centuries. This type of Celestite with the blue color has sometimes been labeled as Barite but often on analysis is found to be Celestite with some Barium. The piece is attractive despite chips and damage to a few crystals. Very uncommon to find material this attractive on the market, the blue color is especially desirable.
A superb cluster of gemmy Celestite crystals encrusting a Sulphur matrix which adds a bright yellow between the smaller Celestites. In perfect condition all around, which is impressive with such delicate form and fine slender crystals. From the famed Sulfur deposits in Agrigento, Sicily, a choice Celestite from anyplace, this is so bright it is hard to capture in photos. Top glassy luster and presentation, this is a specimen that looks great from all angles and has a great impact for its size.
A very attractive (and genuine natural) Sulfur with a sharp, well formed 3.2 CM crystal nicely perched on a Calcite/ Aragonite matrix. There are petroleum inclusions in the Sulfur that prove that this is natural and not one of the common fakes. An older (pre 1960's) piece with great composition, there are some tiny edge chips visible. If perfect the price would be far more, but it is still an attractive, reasonable cost classic mineral specimen.
Excellent large zoned yellow crystals to 3 CM size are clustered in a hemispheric arrangement on a thin matrix. Good clarity with gemmy areas and selective frosting on some faces. In excellent condition despite the age and delicacy of this specimen. A very pretty classic specimen, and far better in person.
From another classic locale this older miniature has well formed orthohombic crystals in an esthetic and oriented arrangement. These mines are long closed and have produced some of the best Sulpher ever found. This is a good example of the crystal form that made this location famous and is affordable compared to most.