Calcite w. Marcasite
stock #AX-12-091
Brushy Creek Mine, Greely, Viburnum Trend District, Reynolds County
United States
8.3 x 7 x 7.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $300
May 2015
A castle-like structure of sculptural Calcite crystals that have sharp phantom of Marcasite. Elegant form and in perfect condition, this is an old Brushy Creek specimen unlike anything seen in decades. Some areas of golden Marcasite are nestled in alcoves between crystals. The Calcite spires are undulating in cross section with a vitreous luster and good translucence. A striking and unusual Calcite.
Titanite var. Sphene
stock #8.DK-004
Minas Gerais,
5.6 x 5.5 x 5.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $1150
May 2015
A sharp and "monumental" looking cluster of Titanite in crystals to 3.1 CM. Transparent and with a good green color, some faces are smooth and glass clear and others have micro steps and a more etched look. Unknown inclusions add a little red zoning in a few spots. In very good condition for the specie, esthetic.
stock #13.1-353
Malone Quarries, Hastings Co.
3.5 x 2.9 x 3.3 CM (miniature)
price: $130
May 2015
Sharp. clean prismatic Epidote crystals from a less known locality. Crystals are well terminated and reach 2.5 CM in length. The only noticable damage is on the outside edges where this was removed, otherwise this is in quite good condition.
Dioptase on Calcite
stock #15.1-438
Otjikoto Region,
5.5 x 2.6 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $480
May 2015
The classic Tsumeb combination of emerald green Dioptase with snow white Calcite in an esthetic composition. The Dioptase is bright and glassy reaching 1.7 CM in size. There is some contact/damage on the backside but the display face is in fine condition. No other Dioptase from anywhere has the same look as these old Tsumeb specimens.
Scheelite (milky white crystals) on Fluorite
stock #AX-29-038
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang County, Chenzhou Pref.
Hunan Province,
4.4 x 3.2 x 3 CM (miniature)
price: $675
May 2015
A sparkling bright purple matrix is the host for lustrous white Scheelites to 1.5 CM in size. An unusual combination (to me at least) from Yaoganxian, this is in fine condition. A few Dolomite crystals are sprinkled on the Scheelites and on the back of the matrix. Several options for display angle, the color is a little more vivid in person.
Copper and Gold on Quartz
stock #AX-19-322
Andacollo Mine
Elqui Province,
3.6 x 2.3 x 2.1 CM (miniature)
price: $850
May 2015
An exceptionally rare combination of well-crystallized Gold on well crystallized Copper. This is a nice Copper specimen with elongated spinel twin crystals in esthetic curving "horns" and some distinct texahexahedral crystals. What makes it special is the addition of several areas of well-crystallized native Gold. The Gold is best seen with a loupe but some is eye visible with well-developed branching sprays and bright yellow metallic color tucked in several areas on the specimen. This little known mine is one of the few locales that ever produced Gold on Copper, and by far the most attractive. There were not many pieces in the find, these are are now almost impossible to find. This one is the best I have seen.
A sizable matrix densely covered with white to colorless Vuagnatite crystals and contrasting McGuinnessite in green spheres. Vuagnatite is a rare mineral discovered in 1975, and McGuinnessite is very rare, discovered in 1981. This is from the type locale for Mcguinnessite, and is a very good specimen of both species. This could easily yield several fine thumbnails if trimmed out. Very good color and bright sparkling luster make this an unusually attractive rarity.
Barite w. Fluorite & Pyrite
stock #AX-10-846
Niobec Mine, St Honore
8.1 x 2.4 x 1.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $250
May 2015
A single chisel tip Barite crystal partly jacketed in Fluorite (uncommon on these), Calcite and Pyrite crystals. Translucent, with some color zoning and a rosy core, this is a sharp example from this famed find. The Fluorites are not often seen on the Niobec Barites, these are gemmy and colorless but the pyrite adds a yellow hue to some. Nearly all of these have broken terminations as they grew on the roof of the pocket and fell off long ago. This one is nearly perfect, a slight cleave is noted on the tip as the only issue.