stock #15.1-1101-(SM2764)
Tenkergin Mine, Iuttinskly Mining Complex
Chukotskil Autonomous Okrug,
4 x 3.2 x 4 CM (miniature)
price: $450
Spring 2017
A nice, partly gemmy, complex Scheelite crystal from an uncommon locality. Displays well but some chipping can be found and the backside has a large clean contact where another crystal had formed. A few of the corners show red clear areas or darker zones and the faces show many sharp steps. Very rare to find on the market, this specimen is over 30 years old.
Hematite coated by Andradite
stock #13.1-420
N Chwaning II Mine, Kalahari Manganese Filed
Northern Cape Province,
South Africa
5.8 x 3.4 x 3.2CM (cabinet)
price: $1400
Spring 2017
A Kalahari classic, sharp and lustrous Hematite crystals are nearly covered with blood-red Andradite Garnets. In very good condition the only damage to note is on the outer edges. From a find made over 20 years ago, these coated Hematites are now rarely seen on the market. In person the red hue is deeper than the photos show. A few areas of mirror bright Hematite are exposed where the garnet layer has come off. From the famed NChwaning Mine that is more famed for the great Rhodochrosites. A very desirable specimen of this unique find.
Cassiterite on Quartz w. Chlorite
stock #8.1-086
Gaoligong Shan, Baoshan Prefecture
Yunnan Province,
4.7 x 4.5 x 3.5 CM (miniature)
price: $280
Spring 2017
A nice Cassiterite is perched atop a Quartz crystal matrix. Dark opaque black with good luster the condition is very good but there is some chipping on the front and contacts on the backside (not seen on display) From the unusual locale at Gaoligong Shan, a well-developed Cassiterite.
HOLD Fluorite on Dolomite
stock #HOLD 15.1-584
Walworth Quarry, Walworth, Wayne County
New York,
United States
4.7 x 3.9 x 1.9 CM (miniature)
price: $160
Spring 2017
A sharp, remarkably transparent, glassy Fluorite cube is perched on a bed of Dolomite crystals. From the near legendary Walworth Quarry, this is an unusually stepped cube in fine condition. A few smaller crystals are also on the same matrix. Colorless but in some light a faint hint of blue is noted.
A rich vug of nearly pure Cornwallite surrounded by Azurite. Outstanding form with fine and distinct sheaves and spherical masses. With several old labels dating to the late 19th century, (Erinite was the old group name for Cornwallite and Chalcophyllite). Dense coverage with no damage, an unusual and attractive USA specimen of this uncommon Copper mineral.
A sizable and colorful old specimen of Caledonite with crystals to 4mm mixed in a massive, platy mass. The matrix is a mass of Leadhillite and altered Galena and hosts areas of other Lead species including Pyromorphite, Linarite etc. While several crystals are reasonably sharp and transparent when magnified , the overall look is a "melted", opaque appearance. Leadhills is the type locale for both Leadhillite and Caledonite, this is a particularly good coverage and size.
Prehnite - sharply crystalized
stock #A-16-480
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
2.9 x 1.8 x 1.7 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $330
Spring 2017
A textbook form presented in a cluster of sharp crystals. Well-crystallized prismatic Prehnite is quite rare and the best in the world are from old finds at the Jeffrey Mine. This specimen is perfect by naked eye with only very tiny contacts and chipping found with 10X magnification. A delicate pale green that looks almost white in some light, this is just a whisker too large to be a thumbnail but could be trimmed to fit if desired. No stains or encrustations, just lustrous bright Prehnite.
Brucite on Andradite
stock #16.1-326
N Chwaning Mine, Kalahari Fields, Kuruman
Northern Cape Province,
South Africa
7.8 x 6.4 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $700
Spring 2017
A pearly-blue ball of Brucite crystals sits neatly on top of a contrasting Andradite matrix. An attractive setting for this usually unimpressive mineral, this is quite esthetic and in fine condition. The matrix is well-crystallized on all sides, so it is a floater and the Garnets are especially lustrous on the back side. This would be a really nice specimen of Andradite on its own, but with the Brucite this is especially choice.