Elbaite on Quartz
stock #14.1-185
Himalaya Mine, Gem Hill,Mesa Grande District, San Diego County
United States
3 x 1.9 x 1.6 CM (thumbnail)
price: $240
Worldwide mix summer
A fine thumbnail zoned Tourmaline on a doubly terminated Quartz crystal from the classic Himalaya Mine. The Elbaite has a sharp termination on one end but the bottom is incomplete, otherwise sharp and in perfect undamaged condition. Older specimen with a pastel pink body to a dark green cap. Displays well from several angles.
Sphalerite - gemmy
stock #18.1-221
Rucheng Mine, Caojia, Nuanshui, Chenzhou
Hunan Province,
7.9 x 6.8 x 2.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $650
Worldwide mix summer
A nearly pure plate of large crystals up to 3CM across that are transparent in many areas and have a rich dark red hue. A single Quartz crystal on one edge is the only non Sphalerite part of this specimen, there is no matrix. In very clean condition, all the crystals on the display side are undamaged, contacted on back only. From the famed finds made in the 2000-2005 era in Hunan province. These localities are all closed now and specimens have become quite rare on the market in this fine quality.
Pyromorphite- Mimetite series, Classic locale
stock #18.1-220
Donori, Calagari Province,
5.9 x 4.7 x 3.2 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $280
Worldwide mix summer
Choice, quite lustrous green Pyromorphite (originally labeled as Mimetite) from the old locality at Donori, Sardinia. Very good coverage and deep apple green color, a few small crude crystals are seen with strong magnification, but overall this is a botryoidal specimen. Quite three dimensional and in fine condition, this is much richer than most I have seen from the locality. These are now often labelled as being Pyromorphite- Mimetites as it seems there are both species in the deposit and may be zoned.
Fluorite on Sphalerite
stock #8.1-273
Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Smith County
United States
14.9 x 9.8 x 5.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $750
Worldwide mix summer
A larger cabinet specimen of a modern American classic. Two zoned purple to white cubes sit on opposite sides of a lustrous Sphalerite matrix. A few small Dolomite crystals add a nice accent as well. In very good condition and quite esthetic, the backside is contacted but not seen from display side. The cubes are 5.7 CM across diagonally.
Goshenite & Fluorite on Schorl
stock #AX-14-365
Erongo Mountain, Karibib
Erongo Region,
4.2 x 3.3 x 3 CM (miniature)
price: $750
Worldwide mix summer
A fine miniature from the Erongo that features a gem clear Goshenite Beryl perched atop a cluster of purple Fluorite that is offset with lustrous black Schorl. In excellent condition the front display side is in perfect shape, the base area is contacted. Few of this find were so distinctive. Choice, esthetic and well balanced.