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Fluorite with minor Barite
stock #AX-10-128
McWilliams group near Bouse, Plomosa Mountains, La Paz County
Arizona, United States
4.1 x 2.5 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $90
Fall 22

Fluorite from an uncommon locality, collected about 30 years ago. Zoned blue-grey to purple cubes with the outer edges translucent while the centers are opaque. A good location example, the cubes have some glassy edges but the largest faces are frosted and etched with micro secondary Fluorites clustered in the centers.

Fluorite - graphic faced crystals
stock #22.1-604-(YL)
Qinglong Mine, Qinglong Co., Qianxinan Pref.
Guizhou Province, United States
12.2 x 7.3 x 2.5 CM (cabinet)
price: $320
Fall 22

Several years ago a small find of Fluorite at Qinglong had some unusual dark lines and geometric graphics on cube faces. This is an example of this habit. At first this looks rather dark but with back-lighting the translucent cubes show the patterns well. Most cubes are a light violet color with darker lines, those in the center are less translucent and have a more orange to reddish color. We have photographed this with some back-light to show the forms. I have not seen other examples of this habit for several years, this is an older specimen from a private collection. Typical roughness is noted on the outer edges, the center has no visible damage.

Wulfenite - classic USA locality
stock #22.1-499
79 Mine, Hayden, Banner District, Gila County
Arizona, United States
3.7 x 2.3 x 1.6 CM (miniature)
price: $370
Fall 22

Yellow window-pane type Wulfenite crystals sprinkled with colorless Calcite in an attractive array. From the famed 79 Mine, long closed but still a sporadic source of fine mineral specimens. In excellent condition as seen, the Wulfenite is 1.7 CM diagonal, 1.4 CM across the top edge. Displays very well from the front side as shown, the back is also nice but not as attractive. Could be trimmed to a fine thumbnail if desired. A choice Arizona Wulfenite that is transparent, undamaged and with glassy luster.

Marcasite - well-crystalized stalatitic growth
stock #22.1-321
Linwood Mine, Buffalo, Scott County
Iowa, United States
6.6 x 3 x .9 CM (cabinet)
price: $420
Fall 22

An especially fine example of this remarkable form and important USA find. This specimen has not only a great morphology but lustrous metallic patina and bright iridescence. The individual crystals are also more distinct and larger than most examples we have seen. Some fine Marcasites have trickled out of the Linwood Mine over the past three years and when sharp and perfect like this are really impressive in person. A modern classic find, this piece has no damage.

Epidote - pseudo after twinned Orthoclase
stock #22.1-634
Rusted Revolver Prospect, Orogrande, Otero County
New Mexico, United States
4.1 x 2.9 x 1.7 CM (miniature)
price: $360
Fall 22

A perfect 360 degree specimen of Carlsbad twinned Orthoclase crystal replaced by greenish Epidote. It seems these pseudomorphs are unique in the world, this being the only discovery and locality on the planet. From this recent find in Otero County, New Mexico, this is a textbook clear twinned crystal form and a fine pseudomorph as well. This discovery or possible rediscovery by Erin Deventhal and Phillip Simmonds in late 2020 produced quite a good selection of specimens in all grades. This was selected from the lot as an especially sharp, distinct example with nice color. It is great and satisfying to see new discoveries being made that produce fine specimens.

Wulfenite on gossan matrix
stock #12.1-071
79 Mine, Hayden, Banner District, Gila County
Arizona, United States
4.1 x 2.8 x 1.6 CM (miniature)
price: $250
Fall 22

Classic Arizona locality specimen that is a distinctive and in fine condition. Cute miniature featuring a rosette-like cluster of orange Wulfenite crystals on a contrasting gossan matrix. A few very small additional Wulfenites scattered about are the clear windowpane type and add a little sparkle to the dark host rock. The 79 Mine is famed for a host of important specimens that have trickled out over the years; the Wulfenites took several forms and are an important part of the Arizona mineral heritage. This could easily trim to a fine thumbnail but to me it is fine as is.

Quartz - 3 generations
stock #AX-10-114
Holland Mine, Washington Camp, Patagonia
Arizona, United States
7.7 x 3.6 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $125
Fall 22

An unusual and attractive Quartz specimen from this well-known Arizona area. The core of this specimen is a single 7.5 CM clear Quartz crystal that shows stepped growth and has a macro-mosaic look on several faces. What makes this extra special is that about half of the crystal is over grown on three faces with slightly smoky small Quartz crystals with their terminations mostly at 90 degrees to the main crystal. Those crystals are in turn overgrown by a third generation of even smaller Quartz micro crystals with a darker hue. The two most recent generations have overgrown the termination of the large original Quartz in a hood-like manner. In excellent condition with no visible damage. Ex Ruth and Andy Palmer collection, pre 1975 vintage.

HOLD Chabazite - vintage, historic specimen
stock #HOLD 0781-JM-4258
Pest megye, Hungary
8.3 x 6.2 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $260
Fall 22

A fine, old large Chabazite specimen with bright sparkling pink crystals covering most of a blocky matrix. Ex Moritz and Adolph Lechner, Frank Edwards and John Marshall collections, This was handled by Schortmann's Minerals when they obtained and sold the Lechner (Austria) collection. Their label dates to about 1936, though the Lechner collection is far older, begun in the late 1800 era but included several much older collections. The label has the older spelling of the locality. There is still a working Quarry in this area but this specimen is certainly far older. In excellent condition, the price in 1936 was two dollars, a sizable amount at that time.