Siderite with Pyrite -classic German locale
stock #13.1-114
Himmelsfurst Mine, Brand Erbisdorf, Freiberg district, Erzgebirge
7.7 x 5.2 x 5 CM (cabinet)
price: $90
Fall 22
A three dimensional specimen with several fingers and crevices coated with small Siderite crystals which are in turn coated with small Pyrite crystals. From the famed and ancient Freiburg mining district, a very good representative Gangue specimen.
Scorodite - classic British locality
stock #21.1-504
Hemerdon Mine, Plympton, Plymouth
7.3 x 5.6 x 4.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $420
Fall 22
Very fine gemmy Scorodite crystals in several vugs on a blocky Quartz matrix makes for an attractive cabinet display piece. From the Hemerdon Mine (Devon, England) this locality has produced some of the best Scorodite in Europe. This is a particularly rich piece. The area has a long history with intermittent mining operation since before 1854 but currently inactive. In very good condition the crystals were well-protected in the cavities of the matrix. Most of the Scorodites are a deep blue but a few do show a green color as well.
Epidote - large single crystal
stock #22.1-479
Karoi District
Mashonaland West,
6.2 x 4.9 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $480
Fall 22
Dark green and quite lustrous, a single doubly terminated crystal of Epidote from Zimbabwe. Complete and with a sparkling druse of Quartz crystals, this is a nice Epidote from anyplace and incredibly good for this locale. An older specimen this is the best example we know of from Zimbabwe. The backside has some bruises on an edge but the front and sides are undamaged and attractive. A small amount of translucence is seen on a few edges but overall this is mostly opaque. From the Karoi which is known for Euclase and other species but Epidote is not noted in modern literature. Ex Immer Cook collection obtained from Schortmanns Minerals in the early 1960s. They offered a selection of Karoi Epidotes back then but their source was never known.
Barite with Malachite - classic USA locale
stock #12.1-163
Kelly Mine, Magdalena
New Mexico,
United States
5.5 x 3.4 x 2.3 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $160
Fall 22
Delicate Barite (Baryte) blades in a complex cluster are partially coated by green Malachite. From the famed Kelley Mine which is well-known for its great Smithsonites. This specimen is special, it is the only one I have seen with Malachite, the Barite is very similar to some others from the locale but the Malachite is a very unusual addition and makes for a nice contrast. Some blades have rough edges but there are some perfect ones as well.
Galena -Spinel twinned
stock #10.1-055
Krushev Dol Mine, Madan, Rhodope Mts.
Smolyan Oblast,
4.6 x 3.8 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $280
Fall 22
Text book perfect, Spinel twinned Galena crystals in a complex epitaxially oriented cluster. In excellent undamaged condition, the metallic luster ranges from mirror bright to slightly satin. The color is a silver grey gun-metal and the specimen looks fine on all sides. From an important find in 2010 at Madan (Bulgaria), these were quickly recognized as among the best Galenas ever found. A choice miniature that looks fine on either side. The forms look more like a futuristic landscape than a mineral specimen.
Aragonite - classic, vintage
stock #16.1-499-(CN4680)
Cicov Hill, Horenec, Libceves, Louny District, Usi Nad Labem Region
Czech Republic
5.1 x 1.9 x 1.6 (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $420
Fall 22
A classic old Aragonite crystal that does look a lot like a Calcite. It has good yellow to amber color zoning and sharp form that are distinctive to this classic old find. In fine condition and well-terminated, lustrous and translucent. The original labels (see the second photo) do have a mis-identification for the locality showing the coal mining locale of Bilina. Since this find at Cicov hill is world famous, unique and well-documented we can correct this with certainty. The great finds were made at this locale in the 19th century, the George M English label included is from the 1893-1898 era based on the address printed. A true and choice classic specimen Ex Charles M Noll and G. M English
Axinite - classic British, vintage
stock #AX-10-557
Bottallack Cliff, Bottalack, St. Just
7.8 x 5.4 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $500
Fall 22
A fine, old and quite large Axinite from Cornwall, ex. Hugh Ford and Ara Dildilian. The blocky matrix is richly covered with quite lustrous and gemmy Axinite crystals to about 1 CM in size. While there are some bruised crystals on the specimen there are also many complete and fine as well. The vintage is likely more than 75 years old as that was the era when Dildalian was acquiring minerals from Ford. Hugh Fords US Mineral business spanned 1945 to 1957 though he was a collector in England since 1916.
A super aesthetic Fluorite from the great Mina Ojuela. A single sharp purple cube is delicately perched on a sliver of matrix. The matrix though small has a lot of other mineral species on it as well. A scan by loupe finds Conichalcite, Pyrite, Quartz, Galena and Calcite, all crystalized. The Fluorite though is the star, it has the rare bright red fluorescence that some specimens from this mine exhibit. The isolation and good rich color of the crystal give this an strong visual appeal. Overall this is in great condition, the front or display side is in fine shape, the back and side have cleave/contact that is not seen from the fron. It is amazing that this mine has operated for centuries and has been a source of remarkable and often surprising minerals to this day.