Zircon - classic USA specimen
stock #23.FC-013
Zirconia, Henderson County
North Carolina,
United States
3.4 x 2.7 x 2 CM (miniature)
price: $700
Spring 23
A choice, complete textbook-perfect Zircon crystal perched on a Pegmatitic matrix. A very large crystal from this locality (noticeably larger than any Henderson County specimens seen on Mindat). This is an old specimen (pre-war) obtained from a French collection. Zirconia, Henderson County, North Carolina area is the ascribed locality, probably from the Jones Mine which is the most well-documented site. This crystal is distinct, red to brown in color, somewhat lustrous and translucent. Crystal size is 2.1 CM with no damage at all. Vividly fluorescent and quite esthetic, a choice and very large older USA Zircon.
Mimetite with Arsentsumebite
stock #23.1-364
Otjikoto Region,
5.2 x 4.3 x 3.6 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $160
Spring 23
Mimetite crystals ranging from colorless to gem yellow are scattered on all sides of this gossan matrix. There are zones of Arsentsumebite adding some greenish color as well. Some very tiny unknown colorless crystals are also noted as is a blue-green hue on some Arsentsumebite that seems to be another sort of alteration mineral. Most crystals are complete, undamaged though close exam does find some damage but not very noticeable. Nicer in person.
Amethyst - modern classic locale
stock #23.1-363
Goboboseb Mts., Brandberg area,
Erongo Region,
7.3 x 5.6 x 5.5 CM (cabinet)
price: $370
Spring 23
A pair of perfect Amethyst crystals on matrix from Goboboseb (Namibia). The crystals are fully transparent with a deep purple core zone and more light-smokey toward the terminations. The matrix has been sawn on the bottom and sides to extract this without damage, there are no repairs. Both tips are perfect, undamaged even viewed at strong magnification. The range and quality of Goboboseb Amethyst is broad and amazing. We are fortunate that this remote location has been one of the world's best sources of fine Quartz and Amethyst at reasonable cost. A good value for a nice specimen in this size and price range.
Siderite and Quartz - French classic
stock #16.1-211
Allevard, Grenoble, Isère
11.3 x 8.4 x 6.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $1750
Spring 23
Large and fine crystals of translucent greenish-brown Siderite sprinkled with glass clear Quartz crystals. A European classic in excellent condition. This is a super quality older specimen formerly in the collections of Charles Noll, Jimmie DuFoe and the Seaman Museum. It seems to have come from other older collections, it has a painted collection number and an antique museum type drilled mounting hole on the backside. A very choice display grade piece with crystals over 4.4 CM in outstanding condition. Allevard is an ancient mining area (dating back to the 1500's) it was once the greatest source of world-class Siderites and is one of the great French classic locales. This specimen shows that quality well.
Classic sixling type twin of Rutile crystals epitaxially growing from a Hematite crystal. In very fine condition, this radiating star habit is one of the wonders of the mineral world. These are delicate but not especially fragile, this can be shipped safely.
Spessartine on Microcline
stock #6.2-123
Tongbei, Yunxiao County, Zhangzhou Prefecture
Fujian Province,
6.2 x 5.2 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $850
Spring 23
Unusually huge and fine Spessartine crystals from this famed locale. Garnets from Tongbei (China) had a huge impact in the mineral world when they first appeared. They are still highly regarded and have become scarce in good quality. This is from the early finds and has the largest complete crystal we have seen, over 2.2 CM across. Normally anything over 1-1.2 CM is considered huge from here. In perfect shape, sawn on the bottom side where removed and with two generations of Spessartine. This is very different from the typical material from this famed locality. Excellent luster, sharpness and a giant crystals. It is impossible to find anything like this now on the market.
Lorenzenite with minor Aegerine
stock #23.1-348-(D5628)
Lovozero Massif
Murmansk Oblast,
5.4 x 4.2 x 2.5 CM (cabinet)
price: $270
Spring 23
Choice crystals of Lorenzenite, a Sodium Titanium Silicate with distinct form up to 1.5 CM. From early finds at Lovozero (Kola Penninsula, Russia). This was in the collection of the Fersman Museum (Moscow) and later in the University of Delaware Museum. Older labels included giving the USSR as country of origin. The largest crystal is well-exposed, it has a nice red-purple color and textbook form. Minor crystals of Aegerine are also present, all in very fine condition.
Fluorite - unusual stalactite form
stock #23.1-232
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang County, Chenzhou Pref.
Hunan Province,
9.8 x 3.7 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Spring 23
Stalactite of translucent Fluorite composed of small stepped crystals in stacked clusters. An early and very odd Fluorite from Yaogangxian, certainly a special and maybe unique piece. We have never seen another quite like this despite decades of experience with Yaogangxian. A few years ago there were some other type Stalactites recovered from a single pocket but they were composed of large crystal chains and a different habit altogether. Near the bottom of this piece there seems to be a repair on a crack. The rest of the piece is in perfect condition and for a perfectionist the repair could easily be unglued leaving an unrepaired, pristine (though slightly smaller) piece. A fine addition to any world-wide Fluorite suite or Chinese collection.