Chrysocolla after Azurite/Malachite
Lupoto mine, Lubumbashi, Katanga Copper Crescent
Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
10.8 x 6.7 x 6.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $680
From a very important find made almost a decade ago, a fine pseudomorph or epimorph of blue-green Chrysocolla in the shape of free standing Azurites. The Azurites were long ago altered to Malachite and most of the Malachite has been dissolved away though a few remnants remain. Nearly all of these forms are now fully hollow, forming a cast after the former crystals. There have been other finds of Chrysocolla after Barite and other minerals from this area but the Azurite forms are perhaps the most impressive. In very fine condition, unlike most of the find, on this piece the crystals are intact, complete and up to 2.5 CM free standing.

Chrysocolla after Azurite/Malachite
Lupoto mine, Lubumbashi, Katanga Copper Crescent
Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
10.8 x 6.7 x 6.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $680
From a very important find made almost a decade ago, a fine pseudomorph or epimorph of blue-green Chrysocolla in the shape of free standing Azurites. The Azurites were long ago altered to Malachite and most of the Malachite has been dissolved away though a few remnants remain. Nearly all of these forms are now fully hollow, forming a cast after the former crystals. There have been other finds of Chrysocolla after Barite and other minerals from this area but the Azurite forms are perhaps the most impressive. In very fine condition, unlike most of the find, on this piece the crystals are intact, complete and up to 2.5 CM free standing.