SOLD Anglesite - gemmy crystal
Touissit, Touissit-Bou Beker Dist., Jerada Province
Oriental Region, Morocco
3.1 x 2.6 x 2.1 CM (thumbnail)
price: $0
Bright yellow striated main crystal of Anglesite on a thin matrix of other Anglesites and Galena. A very nice thumbnail from the famed and now classic Touissit Mines of Morocco. The other Anglesites are incomplete and have noticeable edge damage, the main crystal is in better shape overall, the termination is very sharp, but is rough on the lower end. Not for perfectionists but still choice, affordable and a very nice gem grade crystal with fine color and luster.

SOLD Anglesite - gemmy crystal
Touissit, Touissit-Bou Beker Dist., Jerada Province
Oriental Region, Morocco
3.1 x 2.6 x 2.1 CM (thumbnail)
price: $0
Bright yellow striated main crystal of Anglesite on a thin matrix of other Anglesites and Galena. A very nice thumbnail from the famed and now classic Touissit Mines of Morocco. The other Anglesites are incomplete and have noticeable edge damage, the main crystal is in better shape overall, the termination is very sharp, but is rough on the lower end. Not for perfectionists but still choice, affordable and a very nice gem grade crystal with fine color and luster.