Variscite with Wardite crystals etc.
stock #13.1-362
Little Green Monster Mine, Clay Canyon, Fairfield
United States
5.8 x 4 x 2.5 CM (cabinet)
price: $120
pre Tucson 2015 update
An unpolished Variscite etc. nodule showing many of the associated species (Crandellite etc.) and having a fine vug of blue green Wardite in distinct crystals. Often Wardite from the Fairfield area is white or grey, this is a much more attractive color and the crystals are very sharp, clear and much better than typical.
Illustrated specimen from the recent Min. Record article on Variscite! From the great early finds by Ed Over in Fairfield, Utah, this is an attractive nodule of colorful and uncommon phosphates. Most pieces like this were sawn and polished to show off the zoning and fortifications, it is rather hard to find a good natural nodule. Very nice colors and loaded with micros, this is classic material and a very good example.