stock #7.AE-315
Seydar, Hoh Nala, Braldu Valley, Skardu district, Baltistan
5.2 x 3.2 x 2.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $620
new year 2021
Dark red-brown clusters of Spessartine Garnets that are partly transparent and have minimal matrix. In very good condition, some of the Garnets have contacts or internal cracks that reflect light and in photos look like damage. Crystallized all around from a find at Seydar in the Braldu Valley, this is a not well documented locality. Our source of these Garnets has listed them as Grossular and tells us they are tested as such. We have not confirmed this and we are informed by another source that it is not likely. The color and bright luster as well as habit
are much more like Spessartine and so until we make a definitive test we think this is the most likely correct specie.