Shattuckite and Plancheite after Anhydrite
stock #AX-19-185
M Sessa Mine, Katanga Copper Crescent
Katanga (Shaba),
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
4.4 x 1.5 x 1.4 CM (miniature)
price: $700
New Year 22
A remarkable and unusual secondary Copper piece; a hollow cast that shows the form of the original Anhydrite crystal that was replaced by bright blue Shattuckite. The Shattuckite is covered with a mint green layer of Plancheite making a nice contrast. The whole piece has the form of the original Anhydrite crystal and maintains a central void with the same shape. Reminiscent of the shape of Azurite casts from the Apex Mine in Utah, this is an even more rare replacement found just once about 20 years ago at the M'sessa Mine of the Katanga Copper Crescent.