Hubnerite - well crystalized USA classic
stock #23.1-628
Adams Mine, Silverton, San Juan County
United States
6.2 x 5 x 3.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $380
Pre Tucson
Free standing, lustrous and very sharp crystals of Hubnerite from the classic Colorado locality of the Adams Mine. The crystals are translucent to transparent on thin edges, have distinct terminations and a fine copper-red color. This is in quite fine condition as well, the crystals (despite the fragile nature) are nearly all perfect, the few spots of chipping are very small and not easy to spot by naked eye. Most Hubnerite found world-wide tends to be more blocky and usually opaque if of any size. This old mine often had a more slender form typically, these are classic USA specimens and important for any Colorado collection. On a white Andesite matrix with a small amount of Pyrite, the contrast is excellent.