Wulfenite - USA Classic
stock #21.1-522
Red Cloud Mine, Silver District, Trigo Mts, La Paz County
United States
1.7 x 1.7 x .6 CM (thumbnail)
price: $280
New Year 22
Brilliant red single Wulfenite crystal perched on a small bit of matrix. In excellent condition, no chips or damage, the color and luster are both top. Classic specimen from the last mining of this iconic locality, just a nice, clean thumbnail that shows why this mine became a legend in the mineral world.
stock #18.1-504
Red Cloud Mine, Silver District, Trigo Mts, La Paz County
United States
2.8 x 2.6 x 1.3 CM (thumbnail)
price: $300
new year 2021
A cute thumbnail with a choice, undamaged Wulfenite crystal nicely perched on matrix. Good color, great form and bright glassy luster this comes from the attempt a few years ago to rework some areas of this legendary mine. It is not so well-known that nearly all the Wulfenite from the Red Cloud is twinned, though much of it is hard to see by naked eye. This small crystal (1.1 CM) does show this rather well when examined closely. Nice esthetic example from this classic locale and in remarkably fine condition.
stock #18.AX-128
Red Cloud Mine, Silver District, Trigo Mts, La Paz County
United States
3.3 x 3.2 x 3.1 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $160
Spring 2019
A nice pretty small miniature Red Cloud Wulfenite matrix with a free standing main crystal that is a deep red-orange. The standing crystal is damage free, this is an esthetic small piece that could be trimmed to fine thumbnail if wanted. From a small scale mining attempt in 2017. The matrix is not the crumbly sort and has many small Calcite crystals scattered as well.
stock #15.1-289
Red Cloud Mine, Silver District, Trigo Mts, La Paz County
United States
4.7 x 3.3 x 3.3 CM (miniature)
price: $550
May 2015
The Red Cloud Mine is rightly legendary and highly regarded as a source of great Wulfenite. This example has a main crystal that is undamaged, has fine color and sits perfectly on the matrix. Remarkably, all the tiny associated Wulfenites and Calcites are in fine condition even under 10X magnification. The base and rear of the specimen was sawn flat to enable collection without damage. The saw marks are completely hidden from any display angle and the piece sits well by itself.
Wulfenite with Fluorite and Calcite
stock #AX-29-063
Red Cloud Mine, Silver District, Trigo Mts, La Paz County
United States
5.2 x 3.4 x 3.2 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $420
pre Tucson 2015 update
A nice, sharp, complete Wulfenite perched on a contrasting matrix that includes pale purple Fluorite in small spheres. An unusual combination from the famed Red Cloud Mine, this is quite esthetic and eye-catching. The main Wulfenite is 1.3 CM across and deep orange-red. Displays well, no eye visible damage but some very tiny contacts noted at 10X magnification. Good value.