An extraordinary fine small cabinet specimen with exceptional form from Batopilas. For esthetics and delicacy of crystals, there is no other location like the Batopilas area of Mexico. This piece is very far above average and is in perfect condition. Individual leafy crystals over 3.3 CM tall show many sharp, fine treelike side growths in many habits. Far better in person and offering lots of display impact this is a choice modern classic.
Silver (crystallized wire with
stock #AX-16-170
New Nevada Mine, Cerro San Antonio, Batopilas
5.1 x 1.5 x 1.3 CM (miniature)
price: $480
Post Tucson 2015
A delicate, elegantly formed Silver wire rising from a nest of smaller wires and and Calcite in an esthetic form. Close examination shows perfect tiny crystals of Silver in dendritic, spinel twin and "herringbone" habits on all the wires. From the Batopilas area which is a modern classic locale, this shows well many of the unique habits that are distinctive from here.