Native Silver and Copper
stock #15.1-651
Keweenaw Co.
United States
7.7 x 6.1 x 1.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $290
Early summer 2023
A USA classic Silver-Copper ex Johannson collection. The Silver is in crude crystals and masses most of which protrude from the Copper. The thin sheet of metal is is from .8 to 1.2 CM thick, but weighs a hefty 124 grams, which indicates a high percentage of Silver. There is no mine attribution in the collection notes but this was obtained in the late 1940 era by trade.
Silver on Copper
stock #17.1-624
Keweenaw Co.
United States
4.6 x 2.7 x 1.6 CM (miniature)
price: $350
Spring 2020
A classic USA "halfbreed" cluster of crude crystals with a sizable percentage of Silver. Ex Less Hitchings collection, the main "glob" of Silver is 2.3 CM across and has distinct color, form and relief from the Copper. The specimen was purchased in 1967 and as was typical at that time has only the area locality (Keweenaw Penninsula). Good halfbreeds have always been appreciated as classic for the UP, and are unique in the world. This one is particularly rich and esthetic, weighs 57 grams, quite dense for the miniature size.
Copper in and on Calcite USA Classic
stock #AX-12-460
Keweenaw Co.
United States
5.3 x 3.4 x 2.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $1150
Spring 2020
An excellent vintage Copper in Calcite from the famed Philadelphia Academy collection, and retains their original label. This also has labels from Collectors Edge and Carter Rich, and was for a time in the William Hladysz collection. The matrix here is mostly clear Calcite in clusters of crystals more or less aligned. The clear Calcite are colored red-brown by large amounts of included copper easily seen inside the crystals. In several areas the Copper crystals extend outside the Calcite. The main crystal is 1.2 CM and very well formed. In excellent condition, and much better looking in person.
A sculptural specimen with a sharp distinct main dodecahedral crystal perched on a Copper stalk. Esthetic and choice old piece that oddly looks like a goose from some angles. Ex. Warren Johannsen collection likely pre 1940 vintage.