Smithsonite -Botryoidal, classic locale
stock #14.1-336
Attiki Prefecture Laurion District,
5.7 x 3 x 2.6 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $240
Late Summer 2018
A choice Greek Smithsonite with deep color, bright luster and excellent form. In undamaged condition as seen, the fingers and globs of Smithsonite rise from a contrasting gossan matrix. This is from one of the oldest mineral localities on the planet, and is an attractive example of the orange-brown color. Nice sparkle in person.
Smithsonite -historic blue green nodule
stock #AX-35-112-(1095)
Attiki Prefecture Laurion District,
7.5 x 5.1 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $320
Spring 2017
From the noted collection of Wallace Gould Levison, purchased by him in 1893 from an even older collection obtained by HG Diserow, seemingly pre 1870. Classic translucent Smithsonite from Laurium with fine blue green color, sawn and lightly polished. A photocopy of Levisons handwritten catalog entry page for this specimen is supplied with the piece. Levison was an important Victorian era US collector, inventor (first patent for a movie camera, UV mineral systems etc.) and prolific author.
Aragonite with a classic Copper blue-green coloring from the classic locality of Lavrion. Well-crystallized and esthetic. This can be backlit for a dramatic effect. Minor chipping of some terminations is not easy to notice from most display angles, but it also keeps the price lower for such a nice display specimen.