Bournonite - fine cogswheel habit crystals
stock #21.1-538
Machocamarco Mine, Cornelio Saavreda Province
4.7 x 3.4 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $690
Pre Tucson
Perfect, sharp and very lustrous metallic crystals in a cluster from the important find in 2019 at the Machacamarca Mine. The form and habit really look like fine classic Cornish crystals but these are recent and a small fraction of the cost for a vintage English specimen. The crystals are up to 1.8 CM, undamaged and have textbook perfect morphology. Steel-grey color and an elegant arrangement make this miniature far especially choice. These are certain to be considered classics themselves in the future. Right now this quality and price for undamaged Bournonites is something special.