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135 specimens listed
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Chalcedony on orange Scolecite
stock #18.1-001
Malegaon, Nasik
Maharashtra, India
5.1 x 3.3 x 2.4 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $760

A very strange and fascinating specimen of what has been called Caviar Agate, forming translucent balls perched on needles growing from orange Scolecite. We have only ever seen examples of this from two small finds, very few specimens have made it to the market. This one has several options for viewing and display, the balls have a light gray to blueish hue and almost seem violet in some light. These are all perched of slender, transparent needles of Scolecite that extend from a radiating cluster that forms the base. A very nice piece for a Zeolite collection, or anyone who like really odd minerals!

Hyalite opal on Rutile crystals
stock #24.1-311
Novo Horizonte
Bahia, Brazil
5.2 x .8 x .6 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $360

An amazing and odd specimen with the association of glass-clear Hyalite Opal balls coating the golden to copper color Rutile crystals. From a small find about 2 years ago, these were very much a surprise in the mineral world. As far as I know, this association is unique to this locale, only one example is seen on Mindat and this is certainly a very rare combo. In fine condition, esthetic and the Hyalite is vividly fluorescent as well.

Fluorite on Sphalerite
stock #22.1-263
Elmwood Mine, Carthage, Smith County
Tennessee, United States
6.1 x 5.2 x 2.7 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $290

A modern American classic, purple Fluorite cube on dark Sphalerite from the famed Elmwood Mine. The Sphalerite has excellent luster and well-formed crystals with a good contrast to the Fluorite. The Fluorite has nicely defined growth structures on the faces and beveled corners. A very nice display quality specimen of the rich minerals found in this iconic mine.

Stellerite with Quartz
stock #22.1-626
Tatatila Municipality
Veracruz, Mexico
5.5 x 4.8 x 2.2 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $190

Bright orange balls and some smaller yellow balls are scattered with a few Quartz crystals on this matrix. A choice and colorful example with a "wet look" on the orange balls. From 2022 finds at Tatatila (Mexico) most Stellerite is not this attractive and the color is unusually rich on these. The find seemed to be quite small and no more have come out.

Lepidolite- very fine crystals with Elbaite
stock #22.1-549
Paprok, Kamdesh District
Nuristan, Afghanistan
5.3 x 4.4 x 4 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $590

Perfect hexagonal crystals of violet Lepidolite in a cluster with small gem clear Tourmalines. The Tourmaline (Elbaite) is a pale pink to almost colorless and are in perfect condition as well. Even though Lepidolite is not uncommon, good crystals are surprisingly rare. These are sharp, thick and most have the flat termination faces hosting a circular zone of white microcrystalline Feldspar. Both unusual and esthetic, a choice and attractive specimen of Lepidolite crystals.

Mimetite - classic German locale
stock #23.1-665
Haus Badden Mine, Sehringen, Badenweiler, Friburg
Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
6 x 4.5 x 3.1 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $165

Tiny but perfect orange balls of Mimetite on a darker matrix from this ancient Lead mine. The Haus Badden mine is known for some fine rare lead secondaries as well as some more common yet esthetic species. This specimen is from an old find, there was a newer find of Mimetite by collectors in 2009 that were yellow color, these are a much deeper orange.

Plancheite with Heterogenite crystals
stock #8.AE-635
Mashaba West Mine, Kolwezi Mining District
Katanga (Shaba), Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
5.5 x 3.4 x 3.3 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $230

An open cavity filled with sharp needle-like blue Plancheite crystals and small black spherical Heterogenite which also is crystalized in some spots. An excellent example of the specie and with attractive powder blue color in fine condition. This specimen is illustrated in Mindat as well.

Beryl var. Emerald
stock #ARET 8.2-387
Coscuez Mine
Boyaca, Colombia
6.2 x 4.8 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $3400
Pre Tucson

Classic Colombian Emerald crystal on matrix. Excellent transparency, the crystal is fairly thick, glassy with basal termination. The color is a very rich green but not quite the top intense color which is of course far more expensive. Sits well and stands out in any sort of display. It is very hard to find sizable crystals on matrix that have not been repaired, faked or otherwise unnatural. This one is fully natural and not enhanced. The crystal is 2.2 x 1.7 CM and is nicely balanced on the matrix. Good condition, there are micro edge chips seen with loupe but no really bad damage, the "bottom end" of the crystal is contacted and does not show a clear termination. This quality is now very hard to get in Colombia at any reasonable price if at all. If this was mined today this would be treated, infused, cut and sold in the gem market. It would also be a lot more expensive!