Axinite - gemmy crystals
stock #10.1-298
Puiva Mount, Saranpaul, Khanty-Mansi Okrug, Tyumenskaya Oblast
Pre Polar Ural region,
5.5 x 3. x 2.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $650
Spring 23
Very sharp, complete and glassy, this is a flawless Axinite with many transparent sections. From the now famed discoveries in the Polar Urals, this is far more striking in person. Very few localities in the world ever produced Axinites of this calibre, the edges on this are razor sharp, it could easily cut skin or be cut as faceted gems. Usually crystals of this size have jagged edges or tiny chips, this one does not. The main crystal is 5.5 CM across. Backlighting adds a fine glow as well, but these photos are not backlit, this gives a true presentation of the specimen in a "normal" display. These have become quite uncommon over the past two decades and are now usually quite expensive. A very good value for quality in this size.
Axinite - classic British, vintage
stock #AX-10-557
Bottallack Cliff, Bottalack, St. Just
7.8 x 5.4 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $500
Fall 22
A fine, old and quite large Axinite from Cornwall, ex. Hugh Ford and Ara Dildilian. The blocky matrix is richly covered with quite lustrous and gemmy Axinite crystals to about 1 CM in size. While there are some bruised crystals on the specimen there are also many complete and fine as well. The vintage is likely more than 75 years old as that was the era when Dildalian was acquiring minerals from Ford. Hugh Fords US Mineral business spanned 1945 to 1957 though he was a collector in England since 1916.
Axinite (Ferroaxinite)
stock #22.1-440
Le Bourg dOisans, Grenoble, Isere
7.4 x 4.8 x 4.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $330
Fall 22
Classic old specimen of Axinite from the French Isère region at Bourg-d'Oisans. The largest crystals are over 2.5 cm and have some very glassy faces. The matrix is mostly Axinite as well with just a little Quartz. There are smaller crystals, contacts and some broken edges so this is not for perfectionists but it is still a very nice example of this famed locality. Ex John Roger Mitchell collection, his label notes he obtained this in 1983.
HOLD Axinite - Gemmy crystals
stock #HOLD 20.111
New Melones Spillway (Dam site), Calaveras County
United States
3.8 x 2.3 x 2.3 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $300
A very glassy cluster of transparent Axinite crystals from the collection of Brett Keller (Mineral wines). The new Melones Spillway of Calaveras county had a small but exceptional find in the 1970's. The Axinite (Ferro-Axinite) are considered to be among the best ever found in the USA. This piece is A choice small miniature that could perhaps be trimmed to thumbnail size. It has choice color, luster and transparency. No damage seen by naked eye but with a good loupe a few micro rough bits can be found. This is in far better condition than most, very close to full perfect.
HOLD Axinite
stock #HOLD 20.1-113
New Melones Spillway (Dam site), Calaveras County
United States
4.3 x 3.2 x 1 CM (miniature)
price: $290
Spring 2020
A small, super clean matrix plate of perfect, gem clear Axinite crystals. A modern classic from the best find ever made in the USA. Close inspection shows very sharp glassy crystals with several habits many of which are free standing prisms. Smokey red-brown color with fine transparency. Ex collection of Brett Keller, a choice miniature.
stock #19.1-795
Raipa Mine, Aija Province
Ancash Department,
7.7 x 3.9 x 3.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $740
Superb cluster of classic form Axinite crystals with no matrix at all. The largest crystal here is about 6 CM long and the condition of all is excellent, with no damage. These are translucent with a few areas of transparency and the luster is very glassy. The purplish-brown color is distinctive from this find and this is an excellent esthetic cluster with many perfect, choice crystals in all directions. This was a large and important discovery which has provided some excellent quality pieces that were relatively affordable. Excellent value.
Axinite with Prehnite
stock #18.1-500
Grey Cloud Claim
Yukon Territory,
5.5 x 3 x 3 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $130
A colorful and unusual Canadian specimen, sharp glassy Axinite crystals -some of them gem clear- contrast with bright Prehnite crystals. This looks just like some classic Alpine European specimens (Bourg de Oissans etc) but also a bit unique too. The Prehnite crystals show curved faces and are colorless, white and light green some also have a chlorite coating adding more color. Ex Les Hitchings, this was collected in 1960. Close exam finds some edge chipping so this is not fully perfect but it is a very esthetic and well crystalized specimen the best I have seen from this locale, and a choice example.
Axinite with Quartz and Calcite
stock #9.AE-1077
Nandan, Hechi Prefecture
Guangxi Province,
6.5 x 4.3 x 2.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $260
Well defined, sharp Axinite crystals from a find over 10 years ago in the little known mines of Nandan. At the time these were the first Axinites found in China and as far as I know are still the only good quality specimens found so far. No damage but a few contacts are noted, the crystals are free standing and reach over 1.5 CM.