Dioptase on Calcite
stock #19.1-900
Otjikoto Region,
4.7 x 2 x 1.7 CM (miniature)
price: $460
Early summer 2023
Sharp gem clear crystals of bright Green Dioptase on contrasting Calcite. A Tsumeb classic, in fine undamaged condition and with well-isolated crystals. Tsumeb produced many great Dioptase but the most desired are those on the white Calcite like this. The vivid green with glassy luster stand out well. Small but impressive and relatively affordable. This is far more pretty in person.
stock #21.1-192
Sanda Hills, Mindouli, Mindouli District
Pool Department,
Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
2.4 x 1.4 x .9 CM (thumbnail)
price: $490
New Year 22
A very bright "treelike" Dioptase thumbnail in fine condition. From the recent finds in former Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) which had produced some excellent specimens, some of which, like this one, have unusual yet eye-catching esthetics. In excellent condition, the tiny spray of Dioptase crystals on the display side are all well-terminated and undamaged. The backside has some contacts but still no damage.
Dioptase with minor Calcite
stock #6.2-923
Tantara Mine, Shinkolobwe, Kambove District
Haut- Katanga,
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
6.2 x 5 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $800
new year 2021
Brilliant gemmy Dioptase crystals with intense emerald green color cover the face of the matrix. From the Haut Katanga area of the D.R.Congo, this fine older specimen has the top luster and color more like that sought after in Tsumeb specimens. More recent Dioptase finds tended to be more matte luster or had stepped faces, with much less flash. This is great for the locality and a classy Dioptase from any place. The crystals are very well-defined and reach 1.3 CM. In person this is a strong display specimen with color that is impossible to appreciate on a computer screen. Overall in very good condition, there is some chipping at the outer edges but most of the important crystals are perfect and the display impact is not diminished.
Dioptase - type locality
stock #8-FE-688
Altyn-Tyube, Kirghiz Steppes
Karaganda Region,
5.8 x 4.1 3.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $460
new year 2021
Like green eggs in a nest, a pair of very well-exposed Dioptase crystals from the classic Altyn-Tyube Mine. This is the type locality for the specie. The crystals are complete, well-formed, doubly terminated and undamaged. The overall esthetics are super for the locality and at 1.3 cm these are bigger than average.
Dioptase on Shattuckite
stock #AX-14-218
Kaokoveld Plateau
Kunene Region,
3.8 x 2.7 x 2 CM (miniature)
price: $325
Bright blue shell of Shattuckite hosts dozens of emerald-green Dioptase crystals. In perfect condition, the color and form are excellent and better in person. A choice miniature the back side is a hollow cast with the shape of Quartz crystals, thought the front is the pretty part. Quite a lot of the Kaokoveld Dioptase is a little dull but this has the desirable glass-like luster.
stock #12.1-017
Tantara Mine, Shinkolobwe, Kambove District
Haut-Katanga Province,
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
3.3 x 2.8 x 1.8 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $240
Emerald green and glassy Dioptase crystals in a very nice cluster from the Tantara Mine (Katanga). The largest crystal is just under 2 CM, there is no matrix just pure Dioptase in very good condition as seen. The Dioptase from Congo does not have the ultra bright luster of a fine Tsumeb specimen but can be a bit brighter than many from Kaokoveldt. This piece is of that sort, better in person and quite esthetic. Congo Dioptase is not often available, it seems to be found every decade or so in small batches and then there are none for years. This was mined in 2012.
stock #15.1-1037
Otjikoto Region,
7.3 x 4.8 x 2.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $1500
Spring 2020
A very fine deep emerald green Dioptase from Tsumeb with the intense color that can not be done justice on a computer. Wet-look luster and sharp transparent crystals densly cover the matrix plate. No damage and far better in person. Tsumeb Dioptase is known as a bit different from that found any place else. When at its best it is the most intense color in the world. This has that color. Ex. Charles M. Noll collection, from the heyday of the mine, mid seventies vintage.
Dioptase - very large crystal
stock #AX-14-237
Kaokoveld Plateau
Kunene Region,
3.1 x 1.3 x 1.2 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $530
A fine large single prism composed of two main parallel crystals that are joining in a single shared termination. Super lustrous with brilliant color, in fine overall condition. The base has a few tiny adhering crystals that are not complete and it is possible to see the break where this was removed from the host mass of Dioptase where this grew. Aside from the matrix the main large crystal is in perfect undamaged condition. From finds a few years ago in the Kaokoveld, large prisms like this were just not known from other locations. A choice example of this find