Microcline var. Amazonite
stock #17.1-319
Lake George area, Teller County
United States
7.3 x 4.6 5 CM (cabinet)
price: $90
New Year 22
Pale-green blocky crystals of Amazonite in a classic cluster from Colorado. The main crystals are complete and perfect condition, the outer edges are broken as is typical when removed from a shattered pocket. An affordable specimen from this famed region, attractive on all sides.
Amazonite (Microcline) & Smoky Quartz
stock #15.1-300
Mona Mine, Pikes Peak, El Paso Co.
United States
4.3 x 4.7 x 3.8 CM (miniature)
price: $440
Post Tucson 2015
Extra intense color for a Microcline, this miniature from Pikes Peak area, Colorado and has much deeper blue green color than most Colorado localities. In fine condition damage-wise, there is a nice association of Cleavelandite blades nestled between the crystals. An American classic locality, this is relatively recent find from a small working claim. Better in person, with great display impact in a small size.