Pyromorphite on Quartz
stock #24.1-431
Mercur Mine, Bad Ems, Nassau
3.4 x 2.3 x 1.7 CM (thumbnail)
price: $200
A choice, bright green thumbnail specimen from this famed, classic locality. The condition is excellent, no damage to note and the Pyro crystals are clustered in sheaf-like masses. The habit is unusual for a Bad Ems Pyromorphite, the contrast with the matrix makes it stand out well.
A fine and esthetic old German Galena ex John H. Marshall and also Ernie Schlichter. The region of Bad Ems has at least 6 old mines most of which were prolific producers of fine Lead secondary minerals, most classically Pyromorphites. Oddly, good Galena specimens are quite rare, it was after all the main ore. The habit of these crystals is a good match to a few specimens known from the Mercur and the Neuhoffnung mines, but we do not have confirmation as to the exact mine. Never the less the specimen is in great condition as seen the crystals the cube modified by octahedron, have great patina and reach 2.3 CM in size.
Native Mercury - German classic
stock #23.FC-058
Moschellandsberg, Nordpfalzer, Donnersberg District
2.7 x 1.7 x 1.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $1450
Early summer 2023
A super rich specimen of Mercury in a cluster of globules on matrix. The Mercury is trapped in vugs and held by surface tension. The size of the Mercury is remarkable, unlike the tiny balls usually seen this can be seen by naked eye even quite far away. From the very ancient mines of Landsberg (Bavaria, Germany) that began in 1440 and worked until 1942, This is the most Mercury I have seen on a single specimen. The matrix seems to be a mixture of massive Cinnabar and or Metacinnabar. Very tiny micro-crystals of Calomel are noted and in a very tiny vug what seems to be Moschellandsbergite. The main attraction though is a series of globs of silvery Mercury. A fine vintage specimen and a excellent native metal piece.
Rhodochrosite - classic German specimen
stock #23.1-341-(D543)
Wolf Mine, Daaden-Herdorf, Altenkirchen
10.4 x 8.3 x 5.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $1350
Spring 23
A big, blocky dark matrix with an open cavity of contrasting bright Rhodochrosite crystals. These Rhodos are all scalenohedral and transparent, with glassy luster. Most crystals are quite perfect and complete but a few do have cleaves though not very easily seen. Classic old material ,this piece from the collection of the Delaware University Mineral Museum. The largest crystals are just under 1 CM in size, the color is an orange-red which stands out from the nearly black matrix. For many years the world's best locality of Rhodochrosite was the Wolf Mine. That is however no longer the case but these are still highly respected, easily the best Rhodos from Europe, and actually quite rare in this quality.
SOLD Cerussite, classic German locality
stock #SOLD 0078-JM-3467
Friedrichssegan Mine, near Bad Ems, Nassau , Lahnstein, Rhien-Lahn Distr
6.9 x 6 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $0
Fall 22
Jackstraw type Cerussite crystals on a contrasting gossan and Quartz matrix. From the old Friedrichssegan Mine near the classic Bad Ems Nassau area, a nice example for the locality and in a form that is a bit unusual. Ex John Marshall collection, obtained in a trade with Ernie Schlichter in 1995. Labels and catalog card are included. This mine closed in 1913 and was long ago a source of some excellent Copper, Zinc and Lead species, especially Pyromorphites. Older labels show this locale as a part of the Bad Ems district but today changes put this a few meters over the line in the Rhein-Lahn district.
Chalcopyrite - classic, fine twinned crystal
stock #21.1-132
Biersdorf, Daaden, Daaden-Herdorf, Altenkirchen District
6 x 4.9 x 3.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $1650
Post Tucson 2022
A brilliant golden Chalco crystal (3 CM across) perfectly twinned and perched on contrasting matrix. From the old mining region of Biersdorf (Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany) which is well-known for excellent Chalcopyrites, among the very best known in Germany. Even among the many good pieces from here, this is an incredible standout specimen. We do not have an exact mine name for this piece, but both the Fusseberg and Freidrich-Wilhelm mines are likely candidates. The perfection of the star-like twin is impressive, this is an excellent Chalcopyrite from anyplace. Highly esthetic, lustrous metallic on the front side and with a dark patina on the back, this is in excellent condition with no damage which is rare on this soft, brittle mineral. A superb German classic.
One of the mineral world's great classic pseudomorphs are the hexagonal Pyromorphite crystals from Kautenbach that are replaced by Galena. These are all very old, vintage specimen most having been collected more than 150 years ago. These are also usually quite expensive and not many are seen in thumbnail size. This is a much more affordable specimen than any we have ever seen offered. We must note this is small and not super perfect, there are some edge chips and rough spots but it does show the desirable form and habit of this venerable mine. A good opportunity to have a fair example of this classic for an unusually good price.