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3 specimens listed
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Pyromorphite - important, historic
stock #1023-JM-553
Berezovsk Mine, Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Middle Urals
Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
8.2 x 7.3 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $2200
Pre Tucson

From the Harvard Museum collection then by trade (1977) to John Marshall, this is a very old specimen originally in the Leibener collection. Exceptional size and quality for this famous Siberian Urals locality where mining began in 1747. Although this was a gold mining area there were many other minerals found there, it is the type locality for 7 species one of which (Crocoite) led to the discovery of the element Chromium. This is an extraordinary rich and significant Pyro specimen from this classic locality, it may be the best extant outside of a major museum. Typical specimens are usually just druzy crusts and association pieces. The Pyromorphite here is deep forest green with the main crystalized mass of 6x5 CM. Individual prisms are up to 6 mm in size though most are under 4mm. In remarkably good condition, no obvious naked eye visible damage but magnification does show several small broken and chipped crystals. Despite this it is still a good display quality specimen and would be a fine addition to any serious Pyromorphite suite or Russian collection.

Chrysoberyl variety Alexandrite (classic Russian)
stock #22.FC-039
Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
2 x 2 x .8 CM (thumbnail)
price: $2100
Post Tucson 2022

An unusually fine, complete and rather well-formed sixling crystal of Russian Alexandrite (Chrysoberyl). The Chromian green color is quite evident under daylight. This is classic in its form and locality, ex Eric Asselborne collection. In person this has excellent color change and with a strong light is translucent. An LED flashlight behind this shows a bright red core with a green exterior rind. Without such lighting the color is dark green and looks opaque. Most of the thin edges of this piece are sharp and well-defined though some are rough, this is far better than most specimens that have many larger edge chips or incomplete faces. A choice, classic thumbnail.

SOLD Rhodonite with Tephroite- classic Russian polished slab
stock #SOLD 22.1-234
Sverdlovsk Oblast, Russia
6.4 x 5.6 x 1.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $0
Post Tucson 2022

An old AE Foote specimen of a thick slab of dark pink to deep red Rhodonite from the famed Yekaterinburg locale. Dating back to the imperial era in Russia, this is polished on one side and has the rich dark color not seen in many modern pieces. The Tephroite is a yellow to brown zone that is also in swirls with Manganese oxides set in the red Rhodonite. The AE Foote Label attached is an unusual format (he had many different labels over his long career, that is likely an 1880 vintage. A nice example of a vintage red Rhodonite not often seen these days.