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7 specimens listed
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HOLD Chrysocolla with Quartz and Malachite
stock #HOLD 22.1-124
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
3.4 x 2.5 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $490
Fall 22

Fingers of Chrysocolla and Malachite are covered by a layer of sparkling clear Quartz crystals. From recent new finds at Tenke-Fungurume (DR Congo). The inner core of these fingers is Malachite which has been alleged to be pseudomorphed after Azurite, but that is no clearly established. No matter what the origin, the resulting form, luster and color are superb and have a powerful display impact in person. This small miniature is in fine condition with no damage except at the base where this was removed. One finger has an old break on it that shows the inner core of Malachite; it has long since been overgrown by the clear Quartz crystals and adds some contrast. This material reminds us of some older finds in Arizona yet this habit is distinctly different than those, a unique form from the Congo. This find had made big mineral news and most such pieces were gobbled up quickly. Much better in person, the sparkle is best appreciated in hand.

Kolwezite pseudo after Cuprite crystals with Co Dolomite
stock #22.1-208
Kakanda Mine, Kakanda Deposit, Lubudi
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
4.3 x 3.4 x 2.2 CM (miniature)
price: $800
Post Tucson 2022

Several dark green crystals are perched on contrasting bright pink Cobaltoan Dolomite. These crystals are a full pseudomorph of Cuprite showing perfectly the original modified octahedral form. This is now fully changed to Kolwezite which is a rather rare specie worldwide. Non pseudomorphed crystals of this Copper Cobalt Carbonate are only found as small micros (Triclinic, usually as elongated fibers). This piece is from a very small new find which to my knowledge is the first ever with such fine sharp pseudomorphs. No damage, colorful and an excellent attractive and rare copper pseudo!

Kolwezite pseudo after Cuprite crystal on Co Dolomite
stock #22.1-210
Kakanda Mine, Kakanda Deposit, Lubudi
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
3.2 x 2.6 x 1.9 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $480
Post Tucson 2022

A single sharp dark green crystal is perched on contrasting bright pink Cobaltoan Dolomite. The crystal is a full pseudomorph of a Cuprite showing perfectly the original modified octahedral form. This is now fully changed to Kolwezite which is a rare specie worldwide. Crystals of this Copper Cobalt Carbonate are only found as small micros (Triclinic, usually as elongated fibers). This piece is from a small new find which to my knowledge is the first ever made with sharp pseudomorphs after Cuprite like this. No damage. An excellent and rare copper pseudo!

Kolwezite - early find 1978
stock #21.1-553
Kolwezi, Katanga Copper Crescent
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
5 x 4.2 x 2.4 CM (miniature)
price: $230
New Year 22

A rich specimen of Kolwezite in ball-like masses and botryoidal crusts. This was collected in 1978, before this was a described mineral specie. Still considered a rather rare mineral this is an unusual Copper and Cobalt specie. Nearly pure Kolwezite, there is a little Plancheite on the back side matrix as well. In fine condition.

Barite with Malachite inclusions
stock #21.FC-023
Shangulowe Mine, Kambove District
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
5.1 x 4 x 1.5 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $560
Early summer 2021

A fine example of the rare "green Barite" from the Shangulowe Mine (Kabove, DR Congo). This has a main crystal that is over 4 CM across which is huge for this find. The clarity and condition are excellent and the whole displays very well on the contrasting matrix. The brightest green zones are more concentrated on the edges and the overall color is a bluish grey-green. In excellent condition there is no damage to the Barites which at this size is remarkable.

Cobaltoan Calcite with Malachite
stock #20.1-269
Kolwezi, Katanga Copper Crescent
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
4 x 3.7 x 3.5 CM (small miniature)
price: $90

A small, colorful and cute specimen from the Katanga Crescent (not the more common Moroccan type). There are two separate vugs on this piece with brightly sparkling purple-pink crystals and a few sprays of green Malachite adding contrast. Some bruising on edges is noted but still a pretty and affordable small piece.

Barite on Malachite
stock #14.1-335
Shangulowe Mine, Kambove District
Lualaba Province, Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
3.7 x 3.1 x 2.1 CM (miniature)
price: $330

A pair of chisel tipped Barite crystals perched on a velvety green Malachite. The Barite crystals have some inclusions of Malachite as well which gives some green color to the milky prism. Classic material from the 1970-80 era, these Barites are unique and are no longer being found. Very good condition and quite attractive, a very unusual association that is a modern classic.