A fine and sizable classic Yaogangxian Fluorite. From a find in 2005, deep purple cubes of Fluorite are filled with silver needles of Boulangerite, some of which protrude from the faces. The cubes are up to 4.3 CM lustrous and quite sharp. The mass of fine crystals inside the cubes gives a blue to grey color in some areas, other parts are more vibrant purple. From the great Yaoganxian Mine, this is the world’s best locality for Boulangerite in Fluorite. This is far better and more esthetic than most, this quality has not been seen in recent finds. Displays an unusually rich inclusion density with a contrasting silvery matrix of nearly pure Arsenopyrite crystals.
Fluorite and Dolomite
stock #6.2-210
Shangbao Pyrite Mine, Leiyang
Hunan Province,
9.4 x 5.4 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $520
For almost 3 decades the Shangbao Mine has produced some fine and diverse Fluorites. Every few years a new style is found and older styles disappear. This is a vintage 2003 specimen with glass clear Fluorites and pinkish Dolomites in fine condition. The Fluorites are cubes with beveled edges and clear glassy central faces. Excellent esthetics, this displays well from many angles and shows both species in a nice balance. Shangbao is one of the greatest Fluorite localities in the world. Later finds were also incredible but of very different style and habit. A choice example of an earlier era, this is a nice addition to any Fluorite collection and especially to a Chinese suite.
SOLD Hubnerite with Fluorite and Quartz
stock #SOLD 22.1-607-(YL)
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang County, Chenzhou Pref.
Hunan Province,
5.6 x 5.3 x 2.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $0
Very lustrous sharp Hubnerite crystals with good red highlights set on Quartz with purple Fluorites. A choice multi-specie specimen from the great Yaogangxian Mine. Hubnerite is much more rare from here than the similar Ferberite, and this is a well above average example of the specie. In excellent condition as seen, the crystals are nicely offset by the purple Fluorites, milky Quartz and with a dusting of Pyrite. Displays well, an excellent addition to a Yaogangxian suite or for a Chinese collection.
Sphalerite on Quartz
stock #6.2-149
Shuikoushan Lead Zinc Mine, Changning, Hengyang Pref.
Hunan Province,
9.3 x 6.7 x 5.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $260
Pre Tucson
Ruby-red Sphalerite crystals scattered on a druzy Quartz from the 2005 era finds at Shuikoushan (China). The specimen also has several smaller orange Sphalerites that add a nice contrast. The matrix is a complex three-dimensional Quartz with hills, valleys and crevices that host these gemmy Sphalerites. In excellent condition overall, the Sphalerite crystals are mostly twinned and very translucent, these are singles and in clusters to almost 2 CM though the average is about 1 CM. The matrix was sawn on the bottom/ back to allow this to be collected without damage, the sawn areas are not visible in any display angle. Better in person and incredible with backlighting, these photos are not made with any.
Wurtzite, Bismuthinite and Quartz etc.
stock #6.2-842
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang County, Chenzhou Pref.
Hunan Province,
5.2 x 4.3 x 3.2 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $750
Pre Tucson
A well-formed Wurtzite crystal cluster on a complex multi-specie specimen from the amazing Yaogangxian Mine. The specimen has several Quartz crystals that are partly coated with Muscovite and sprinkled with metallic hairlike crystals of Bismuthinite. The Wurtzite is mostly seen in a 2.2 CM diameter cluster of stacked brown-red crystals that have a bright luster. In some photos these look silvery metallic due to the reflections on the surface but in hand the color is typical dark brown to almost black. Wurtzite from Yaoganxian is a very rare specie, this is the largest and best we have seen and is exceptional for the locality.
Fluorite - unusual stalactite form
stock #23.1-232
Yaogangxian Mine, Yizhang County, Chenzhou Pref.
Hunan Province,
9.8 x 3.7 x 3.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Spring 23
Stalactite of translucent Fluorite composed of small stepped crystals in stacked clusters. An early and very odd Fluorite from Yaogangxian, certainly a special and maybe unique piece. We have never seen another quite like this despite decades of experience with Yaogangxian. A few years ago there were some other type Stalactites recovered from a single pocket but they were composed of large crystal chains and a different habit altogether. Near the bottom of this piece there seems to be a repair on a crack. The rest of the piece is in perfect condition and for a perfectionist the repair could easily be unglued leaving an unrepaired, pristine (though slightly smaller) piece. A fine addition to any world-wide Fluorite suite or Chinese collection.
Native Sulphur on Stibnite and Stibiconite
stock #8.AE-653
Kangjiawan (Shuikoushan) deposit, Changning County, Hengyang Prefecture
Hunan Province,
9.2 x 7.5 x 5.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $140
Fall 22
A complex cluster of Stibnite and Stibiconite crystals that are speckled with tiny bright yellow crystals of Sulphur. Ex Arthur Edwards collection, this specimen came from finds in 2002 that were at first mislabeled as Valentinite on Stibnite. Sulphur like this is an rather rare combination on Stibnite, it is especially attractive on this piece as the contrast is very distinct.
Stibnite in and on Calcite
stock #22.1-543
Xikuangshan Sb Deposit, Lengshuijiang Co., Loudi Pref.
Hunan Province,
8.1 x 3.9 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $660
Fall 22
A super esthetic specimen from a remarkable find almost 15 years ago at Xikuangshan. This has a delicate transparent Calcite crystal perched on edge that is shot through with metallic Stibnite crystals most of which extend outside of the Calcite. This look great on all sides and the Calcite (3.7 CM across) is well-formed, complete and in fine condition. The black sparkling matrix is a very nice contrast to the metallic Stibnite and the Calcite. This specimen was in the collection of Michel Jouty, and is especially well-composed with a fine architecture.