Epidote -classic Austrian
stock #19.1-500
Knappenwand, Untersulzbachal Valley
Hohe Tauern Mts. Salzburg,
3.3 x 2.8 x 1.5 CM (miniature)
price: $360
A choice small miniature of Knappenwand Epidote crystals perched on a sliver of matrix. Showing brilliant glassy luster, these are translucent with a dark yellow green when backlit but more green-black in normal light. In excellent condition the free standing crystals are just under 2 CM tall. All the crystals are in the classic alignment as they are standing in a tight parallel row. Every few years a few more Epidote are recovered from this most classic Alpine locale. These mountains do not give up these treasures often.
Epidote on Byssolite
stock #AC-204
Knappenwand, Untersulzbachal Valley
Hohe Tauern Mts. Salzburg,
7.2 x 4.8 CM (small cabinet/large miniature)
price: $85
From the historic and most highly regarded locality for Epidote this is a good example of the Byssolite association and an inexpensive way to own a true classic! The Epidotes reach 1.5 cm set on a sparkling mound of Byssolite fibers. There is damage on the Epidotes, they are not the gemmy crystals this locale is known for, but the Byssolite is very attractive. This piece is from a 1930's vintage collection and is very reasonably priced.