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4 specimens listed
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SOLD Rhodochrosite - unusual locality
stock #SOLD 24.1-180
Olpe, Arnsberg
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
2.4 x 1.7x 1.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $0

Small but well-formed scalenohedral crystals with good pink-red color form a druse on matrix. I have never seen another Rhodochrosite from this locality but it is listed as a specie found there by Mindat, though there are no photos of examples. The mines in this site are quite sizable and produce Barite as well as Lead and Zinc. Several Manganese minerals are noted as well. We can not find any published examples from this mine and only two examples from all of Arnsberg are on Mindat, so it is safe to say it is a fairly rare occurrence. A nice thumbnail and a good addition to a German collection or a Rhodochrosite suite.

Millerite on Galena - classic German
stock #15.1-537
Pfannenberger Einigkeit Mine, Salchendorf, Neunkirchen, Siegen Wittgenst
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
11.9 x 9.6 x 6.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $650
New Year 22

A large crystalline mass of Galena is host to several cavities filled with brassy Millerite needles. A fine old German specimen from the Pfannenberger Einigkeit Mine which is best known as a classic source of Galena, and rarely of Millerite. A druse of Quartz adds some contrast and sparkle as well, but the real attraction is the nests of radiating Millerites on several faces of the matrix. This mine was operated for Iron and was a major operation by the mid 1800's. This was operated until 1962, the Millerites from here are uncommon on the market and are German classics.

stock #0626-JM-3327
Runderoth, Grunblieberg Mine, Gummersbach, Bergisches Land
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
8.9 x 6.1 x 4 CM (cabinet)
price: $490
Spring update

A cabinet sized Pyromorphite densely covered with dark green crystals in good condition. An older specimen Ex. John Marshall collection of Pyromorphites, obtained by him in 1994 in Munich. The locality given of Runderoth seems to be a specific point in or near the old Grunblieberg (Green lead Mountain) mining area. Nearly all of the matrix shows at least a few Pyros, but the main display face has a 5 CM diameter dense patch of well formed crystals. John was a fanatic collector of Pyros and was on a mission to obtain the best he could find from every locality in the world. He was not able to upgrade from this one during the next 20 years of collecting.

Anglesite with Linarite etc- EX Lechner, Shortmann
stock #13.1-069
Bruche Mine, Musen, Siegerland
North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
4.8 x 3.9 x 3.4 CM (miniature)
price: $350
new june 17

A classic specimen from the famed Lechner collection of Austria, later sold by the Schortmanns in 1950-52. A Gossan and decomposed Galena matrix full of vugs hosts sharp and in some cases gemmy Anglesites. Scattered small Linarite crystals are near, on and in the Anglesites. The largest Anglesite is 8MM, several crystal forms and possibly some twinning is noted. Choice old piece.