Silver - Kongsberg type wire habit
stock #15.1-170
Kongsberg Silver mining district, Kongsberg
4.6 x 2.1 x 1 CM (miniature)
price: $875
Winter 2016-17
A single stout wire of Native Silver showing the ropey textures that are typical of Kongsberg wires. Very nice patina and with some extra delicate offshoots, the thickest part of the wire is about 5mm. An attractive classic Kongsberg Silver.
Fluorite - stairstep habit
stock #A7-111-(44A)
Melchor, Musquiz
5.5 x 4.4 x 3 CM (cabinet)
price: $140
Winter 2016-17
A mass of colorless Fluorite fringed with dozens of aligned small cubes with color zoned edges. The smaller cubes are translucent to transparent and have a bright purple hue. In fine condition overall, strong magnification finds only a very few slight edge rubs, not visible by naked eye. This specimen is lit only from the front in the photos but with backlighting it really glows. Ex Larry White collection obtained in 1975. A pretty specimen that is better in person.
A choice small Rhodo specimen with nice color and in fine condition. The matrix is a dark Goethite that is covered with tiny colorless Fluorite crystals that look black due to the matrix showing through. The Rhodos are mostly scalenohedral with truncated tips some of them showing some "wheat sheaf" habit. Good coverage as well makes this a nice display piece.
Scapolite (purple gem crystal)
stock #16.1-525
Laduar Medam, Sar-e-Sang District, Koksha Valley, Khash and Kuran Wa Mun
2.6 x 2.4 x 2 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $600
Winter 2016-17
A deep, intense purple, very lustrous Scapolite crystal from Badakhshan Afghanistan. Tranparent to translucent and in very good condition this is a particularly choice small gem crystal. Classic habit for these rare crystals from Badakshan, which are world class for the specie.
Azurite - bladed crystals altering to Malachite
stock #16.1-091
Khanong open pit, Sepon Mine, Vilabouly District
Savannakhet Province,
4.2 x 3.1 x 2.8 CM (miniature)
price: $420
Winter 2016-17
A great new locality the Sepon Mine in Laos has been producing a few unusual and very fine Azurites. This is a very distinctive specimen with electric blue bladed crystals standing free of the matrix. In perfect condition, some of the Azurites are zoned with a slight alteration to Malachite. Very lustrous and sharp, the matrix is a mix of Malachite balls and spheres of slightly iridescent Goethite. An excellent, esthetic miniature.
An old Swiss classic Alpine specimen. Complexly structured matrix hosts several minerals in layers with gemmy green Titanites on the top. Beds of Byssolite needles have well-crystallized Adularia protruding and micro sprays of Apatite throughout. This displays the complex nature of mineralization in Alpine clefts very well. The Titanites crystals are up to 1 cm though most are smaller. Ex Charles M. Noll and Jim Dufoe collections.
Dioptase (well-crystallized for type locality)
stock #15.1-945- (SM1939)
Altyn-Tyube, Kirghiz Steppes
Karagandy Province,
6.8 x 4.5 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $690
Winter 2016-17
A bright, striking Dioptase with sizable, perfect emerald green crystals on a etched matrix. From Altyn-Tyube, this is of exceptional quality for that location, and in fact is a choice specimen from anyplace else too. Sharp perfect crystals to 1.3 CM long are clustered in a sizable mass, a few micro tufts of Malachite are also note. Most Altyn-Tyube pieces have much less visual impact.
Inesite with Quartz, Hubetite etc.
stock #16.1-174
Fengjiashan Mine (Daye Mine), Daye County, Huangshi Pref.
Hubei Province,
7.2 x 7 x 5.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Winter 2016-17
A fine Chinese Inesite from the Daye Mine (Fengjiashian Mine). Great esthetic with a very delicate, perfect standing spray of Inesite on top of a matrix of smaller Inesite, Quartz and Hubeite crystals. Excellent form and color, this has the richest red-orange hue that is most desirable. Not much has been found in recent years and little of that has good form or color. An impressive specimen for the mineral and for the locale.