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101 specimens listed
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Hydrozincite - fine specimen, early Chinese find
stock #7.AE-534
Muqiaomian Sn Deposit, Pinggui District, Hezhou Pref.
Guangxi Province, China
11 x 6.2 x 4.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $700
Spring 23

From a one time find almost 20 years ago, this is a very fine example of the best style of Chinese Hydrozincite. Our information in China gives the locality as the Muqiaomian Deposit (Guanxi, China). We think this to be correct, Mindat lists the locality but has no photos from it. A number of Chinese pieces are on Mindat with this similar morphology but all are attributed to localities in Yunnan Province. Our contacts tell us this is not correct, and it seems there is some uncertainty on the attributions posted in Mindat. As far as we know this is the correct locality for this piece, we obtained it in China in 2009 and sold it shortly after returning. No matter the exact locale, the form is very esthetic, it has well developed fingers, branches and spheres with both a matte luster and a translucent glassy zone. This is a specie we simply do not see anymore from China, even in low quality pieces. Hydrozincite is not usually an attractive mineral but this find had some very pretty specimens, this is far better than most, with no damage at all.

Adamite - purple, with Lotharmeyerite
stock #3.1-249
Mina Ojuela, Level 6, Municipio de Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
4.7 x 2.4 x 2.3 CM (miniature)
price: $290
Spring 23

A bubbly gossan matrix hosts a group of lustrous purple Adamite crystals. The purple Adamites at Mina Ojuela are the rarest of colors and practically unknown from anyplace else. This specimen also has some micro crystal clusters of Lothameyerite. The Adamites are translucent to transparent and have some zoning of the color. Often called Manganoan Adamite, these crystals are sharp, well-terminated and contrast well with the matrix. A very good value for a miniature of this usually far more expensive variety of Adamite.

Cerussite - two generations, two colors
stock #7.AE-418
Daoping Mine, Gongcheng County, Guilin Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
9.7 x 8.1 x 3.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $1250
Spring 23

Superb early (2005) Chinese Cerussite from the famed Daoping Mine. In incredible condition and with great color, luster and form. The larger yellow crystals are often labeled as Chrome Cerussite and the green as Cuprian. We do not know if this is correct at this locality or for sure which elements cause these colors from this mine. No matter the chromophore, the esthetics and condition are very fine on this piece, it is unlike anything found for several years, certainly a modern classic. The largest crystal is 1.7 CM and the yellows do seem to be a later generation, the smaller, earlier crystals are the greens. Cerussite is a fragile mineral, the crystals here are well-exposed and yet are still in fine condition, something remarkable.

stock #7.AE-016
Otjikoto Region, Namibia
7.8 x 3.6 x 2.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $480
Spring 23

A fine old Tsumeb Smithsonite with a chain of rhombs aligned on a thin blade of Dolomite. The Smithsonite is in excellent condition with chocolate brown crystals to 1.7 CM across on the outer edge resting on smaller yellow-brown crystals below. The luster is matte to silky and the crystals are well-defined.

Rhodochrosite - classic German specimen
stock #23.1-341-(D543)
Wolf Mine, Daaden-Herdorf, Altenkirchen
Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
10.4 x 8.3 x 5.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $1350
Spring 23

A big, blocky dark matrix with an open cavity of contrasting bright Rhodochrosite crystals. These Rhodos are all scalenohedral and transparent, with glassy luster. Most crystals are quite perfect and complete but a few do have cleaves though not very easily seen. Classic old material ,this piece from the collection of the Delaware University Mineral Museum. The largest crystals are just under 1 CM in size, the color is an orange-red which stands out from the nearly black matrix. For many years the world's best locality of Rhodochrosite was the Wolf Mine. That is however no longer the case but these are still highly respected, easily the best Rhodos from Europe, and actually quite rare in this quality.

Malachite with Chrysocolla
stock #22.1-323
Planet Mine, Buckskin Mountains, La Paz County
Arizona, United States
4 x 3.1 x 3.1 CM (miniature)
price: $330
Spring 23

Pretty and very well-formed miniature with distinct balls of Malachite, some with overgrowths of Chrysocolla. From a recent and remarkable find at the Planet Mine (Arizona, USA) these are rather different from any other USA Malachites, and have made big news in collecting circles. In fine condition as seen, this was selected for the color and sharp definition of the balls, well above average quality. This mine is already well-known for its Chalcanthite crystals that form rapidly as post mining deposits. These Malachite/Chrysocolla specimens are found in a different area and have been well-received by collectors. Good value for quality.

Fluorite - classic British, with Sphalerite and Ankerite
stock #15.1-538
Brownley Hill Mine, Nenthead, Alson Moor, Eden
Cumberland, Cumbria, England
10.3 x 7.5 x 5.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $590
Spring 23

Fine old British Fluorite from the Alston Moor area (Brownley Hill Mine). This is both very esthetic in person and unusual for a British Fluorite. The cubes show both zoning and some color difference on different faces. There are some faces that are cloudy and others that are transparent with glassy luster. The interiors seen though the transparent faces show a good yellow-green hue that glows well if backlit. Exceptional condition with very sharp edges and corners, no noticeable damage and well-composed form. There are some small areas of Sphalerite on the underside and Siderite or Ankerite (this mine has both specie and they look similar) on a few crystal faces. We see very few specimens from this early British mine and fewer still are in such fine shape. Several good display angles on this piece, it is a pre 1960 vintage but likely far older. Looks even better in person.

Pyrrhotite with Quartz and spinel-twinned Galena
stock #23.1-365
2nd Sovetskii Mine, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Krai
Far Eastern Region, Russia
9 x 6.4 x 5.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $760
Spring 23

Golden metallic Pyrrhotite crystals in several habits contrast with silver Galena, white Quartz and black Sphalerite. In exceptional condition, there is no visible damage and this has several very different and esthetic display angles. These Pyrrhotites are unusually well-formed, highly reflective and sharp. From the 1980-85 era, these are fantastic for the specie, and much more defined than most of the more recent finds.