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19 specimens listed
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Quartz on Barite (Sugar Bowl pocket)
stock #AX-19-021
Murray mine, Sugarbowl pocket, Independance Mts. District, Elko Co.
Nevada, United States
3.6 x 3.1 x 1.9 CM (miniature)
price: $190
Early summer 2023

Bright and sparkling Quartz crystals have sugar-coated the front sides of Barite crystals. A distinctive find this was called the Sugar Bowl pocket. It was discovered almost 20 years ago, deep in the Murray Mine of the Elko gold mining region. As far as we know there was nothing else like these specimens ever found anyplace else in the USA. These are now only available from older collections. The front of the specimen is perfect, there are some side rub points and the back is the area of attachment. Pretty and bright.

HOLD Topaz - classic German gems
stock #HOLD 23.FC-045
Schneckenstein cliff, (Konigskrone Mine) Kielberg Mt.Klinginthal, Vogtla
Saxony, Germany
8.8 x 6.5 x 4 CM (cabinet)
price: $1600
Early summer 2023

A superb specimen from this ancient locality, ex Paul Fitte collection. The Schnechenstein Topaz have been prized for centuries and mined starting in 1727, shortly after it was taken over by Augustus the Strong and the site was renamed Konigskrone (Kings Crown). The best Topaz were found in the next two decades and some minor production up until 1796. The finest yellow gem crystals have been prized in collections worldwide ever since. These have also been studied and described by many of the early mineralogists, they are quintessential classics. The area has been completely closed since 1938, any large and fine specimen like this is very old and very rare in such quality. The display face is covered with transparent sharp Topaz crystals most of which are a good yellow, a few are colorless, nestled in Quartz crystals. The largest Topaz is 2 CM, big for the locality. More unusual is the many terminated gem crystals on the matrix, most specimens only have two or so. Overall in fine condition this is the very best example we have had from this famed place.

Leadhillite - USA classic
stock #23.FC-052
Beer Cellar Mine, Newton County, Granby
Missouri, United States
3.6 x 3.1 x 2.5 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $2400
Early summer 2023

A very rare classic example of this uncommon mineral from the long gone Beer Cellar Mine. Nicely crystalized with several habits showing but mostly the flat hexagonal type protected in a vug along with tiny Hemimorphite blades. Leadhillite is only known from a small number of localities worldwide, one of the most legendary finds was this very small one in 1895. This was also the last time the mineral was found in this entire region. From an old French collection, this was probably one of the few specimens that were collected by AE Foote and sold in his French shop at that time. This specimen is certainly not pretty (except to lovers of rare Lead minerals) and is not the coveted blue green color. It is also not over 20,000 USD (as have been the last ones in this size to be auctioned). These crystals are a good pearly white, mostly about 3-4 MM but one is about 1 CM across. Two faces of this cherty Dolomite matrix host the Leadhillites with the largest zone being 2.8 CM across. While not conventionally pretty this is a real holy grail for Tri-state and Lead secondary collectors. Such classics are almost never available and always greatly prized.