Topaz - classic Mexican gem crystals
stock #23.1-559
Tepetate, Municipio de Villa Arriaga
San Luis Potosi,
2.5 x 2.1 x 1.3 CM ()
price: $160
Pre Tucson
A pair of gemmy crystals with good cognac color jut out from the matrix. A classic Mexican habit for Topaz, this is the desired type from the famed Tepetate in San Luis Potosi. An excellent thumbnail that displays super well and is still affordable. Vintage 1970-80 era. These were common and affordable at one time, now we never see new pieces but many older collections still hold some nice ones.
Elbaite - blue-green gem crystal
stock #23.1-560
Barra do Salinas Mining District, Coronel Murta
Minas Gerais,
3.1 x .8 x.7 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $340
Pre Tucson
A single very clear gem Tourmaline crystal with a color that is a bit more dark blue than green in most light. The termination is complete with the distinctive etched steps of good Barra do Salinas tips. Bright luster and glows well with backlighting. The costs of any blue Elbaite has gotten very high recently, this is a much more down to earth price and very good value.
Unusually sharp, lustrous (for Columbite) and perfectly terminated, this is a choice single crystal of the specie. Ex University of Delaware Museum, the condition is outstanding especially given the fragility of Columbite. A heavy piece (just over 74 grams despite the small size), a textbook perfect example from the Brazilian pegmatites of Rio Doce.
Adamite - classic pinwheel clusters
stock #9.1-018
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
4.5 x 3.8 x 2.7 CM (miniature)
price: $650
Pre Tucson
Very fine light yellow-green crystals of Adamite arranged in the "pinwheel" type of radiating spray. A choice miniature in excellent undamaged condition from the classic finds about 20 years ago at Mina Ojuela. Good Mexican Adamites were once rather plentiful but this quality and form were never common. These are now quite hard to find and this is an especially elegant and esthetic piece. The radiating sprays exceed 2 CM across, these contrast with the gossan matrix. Displays well from most any angle, and the matrix is not the ultra fragile, crumbly type.
Superb specimen from the old discoveries at Saint Pons (France). Zinkenite from France is highly regarded and only the newer find in Bolivia about 20 years ago was of the same caliber. This specimen is outstanding for the specie and the locality. Crystals to about 3 CM in length show bright metallic luster and contrast well with the golden Siderite crystals. This association was only found (to my knowledge) in the St Pons discovery. The style, habit and look of these specimens is unlike any others. Such specimens are almost never available and only come from old collections or museum trades which are now very rare. This is the best St Pons Zinkenite I have seen for sale.