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stock #16.1-352
Otjikoto Region, Namibia
5 x 4.7 x 4.2 CM (miniature)
price: $440
Pre Tucson

A fine very deep green Smithsonite from Tsumeb. Tsumeb Smithsonite are found in almost every color and hue, it is not surprising that several collectors have specialized on the amazing array the mine has produced during its lifetime. This dark green is a very uncommon color and the specimen shows both classic botryoidal forms and some crude but still distinct crystals. In excellent condition overall, only edge chipping where this was removed, the main zones are perfect.

Anglesite - very fine Broken Hill tower cluster
stock #19.1-503
Broken Hill, Yancowinna County
New South Wales, Australia
4.6 x 3.7 x 3 CM (miniature)
price: $850
Pre Tucson

A superb minature that displays well 360 degrees. Ex Phil Scalise collection, this is in impeccable, undamaged condition. The tree-like tower of white to colorless Anglesites shows several crystal forms but all are lustrous and sharp. Exceptional quality for this locality and really nice Angesite from anyplace for that matter. This is an older specimen though the exact vintage is uncertain. This sort of cluster is rare and unknown from other localities. A great addition to any Lead secondary collection or for those who appreciate esthetic mineral oddities. A hefty specimen of Lead Sulphate, this miniature weighs 72 grams.

SOLD Elbaite on Quartz - vintage gem crystal, ex AE Foote
stock #SOLD TMP-7725A
Mount Mica, Paris, Oxford County
Maine, United States
8.2 x 5.6 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $0
Pre Tucson

Green gemmy Elbaite Tourmalines in Quartz from the famed Mt Mica (Maine, USA). The Elbaites reach 2.6 CM long and are mostly transparent. From the famed dealer A.E. Foote this label dates to the 1879-1895 era, and is an unusual format for a Foote label. The backside of the label has a handwritten note in French that seems to be giving the value in 1951 as 10.00 USD, a very large sum at that time. This is a classic type of Mt Mica Tourmaline and a good representaive of a classic Northeastern US locale.

stock #14.1-085
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
4.7 x 3.5 x 3.2 CM (miniature)
price: $750
Pre Tucson

Bright yellow sprays of fine Legrandite crystals in a shallow vug. These crystals are gemmy and have a bright glassy luster, reaching to 2.4 CM in length. World-wide Legrandite is very rare and good pieces are prized. From the Robert Ray collection with label dating the piece to 1974, so this piece is part of the early top find at Ojuela. In fine condition and very esthetic, the world’s best Legrandite has come from this locality and from this era. Such nice quality is only available from older collections being dispursed, very little of quality has been found in the past few decades and nothing at all for a few years.

SOLD Galena - exotic form
stock #SOLD 23.1-496
Fletcher Mine, Big Bear orebody, Vibernum Trend, Reynolds County
Missouri, United States
6.1 x 1.1 x .9 CM (cabinet)
price: $0
Pre Tucson

A crazy form and a superb Galena crystal puzzle. This is a complete crystal with no point of attachment, no contacts or damage at all. A true "floater" this has bright metallic luster, gun-metal blue color and some iridescence. From a small find some time ago at the Fletcher Mine, these are not like any other Galena we have seen from anyplace. The form seems to us to be a spinel-twin habit but there is disagreement on this, some say they are elongated untwinned cube stacks. Time will tell as this is sorted out. Most faces are curved or bent and the form is certainly exotic. A very impressive Galena no matter the technical details.

Quartz on Hematite with Dolomite - classic English
stock #23.1-647
Florence Mine, Egremont
Cumberland, Cumbria, England
5.1 x 4.5 x 3.2 CM (miniature)
price: $320
Pre Tucson

From the historic Iron mining region of Egremont in the Cumberland region this is a choice combination specimen. The Hematite matrix has two main generations showing, the older, inner, is a botryoidal red Hematite while the newer is a sparkling crystalized black layer. Perched on the Hematites are several smoky Quartz crystals the largest just under 3 CM. A sprinkling of saddle-shaped Dolomite crystals adds a nice contrast. The is sharp, very lustrous and undamaged, the largest crystal has contacts on one side but no chipping or nicks. Old and classic, this from the last Iron Mine to work in England.

Fluorite - geometricly stepped crystal
stock #23.1-505
Tule Mine, Melchor Muzaquiz
Coahuila, Mexico
6.1 x 5.3 x 4.1 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $1150
Pre Tucson

Textbook perfect example of epitaxial stepped growth, this is very fine modern classic Mexican specimen. The bright purple Fluorite cube sits on contrasting matrix, and is from the Tule Mine, well-known for good Fluorites usually on Celestite blades. This piece is unusual in both the matrix and the well-developed habit of the crystal. The crystal is sizable 3.8 CM diagonal and has darker purple zoning at the outer edges. This is an especially choice example of this style from the late 1970 era finds that are unlike the better known specimens on Celestite. Displays super well from several angles.

Pectolite - fine prismatic crystals
stock #AX-16-489
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
Quebec, Canada
4.3 x 3.8 x 1.6 CM (miniature)
price: $520
Pre Tucson

An especially well-formed cluster of prismatic, doubly terminated crystals of Pectolite from the great find more than 25 years ago at the Jeffrey Mine of Quebec. Pectolite is only rarely found in prismatic crystals like this, it is typically in spheres or thin radiating needles. Worldwide only the Jeffrey Mine and the Poudrette Quarry (both in Quebec, Canada) ever produced crystals of this sort. Pectolite is a Calcium analog of Serandite, which is also a Canadian specialty. These crystals are in a jackstraw arrangement and transparent on edges, lustrous and have a light milky color. In excellent condition, the form is classic for the Jeffrey Mine, this style has never been found anyplace else on earth, and is a rare crystalized representation of this specie.