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Cerussite - blue-green crystals on Pyrite
stock #AX-29-107
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
9.6 x 6.3 x 2.7 CM (cabinet)
price: $380

Several habits of well-formed Cerusite crystals are scattered on a Pyrite matrix. The Cerussite covers both sides of this piece but the best are on the side shown here. In fine condition with excellent color on the crystals. It has been said the green coating is Posnjakite and other sources say it is Langite. Both are logical possibilities but this is untested. No matter the source, the color and sharp crystal habit make for a very attractive specimen. From a find in 2015 at the Ojuela Mine, one of history’s greatest sources of mineral surprises.

stock #18.1-685
Xiafu, Zhoaping Co. Henzoh Prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
15.3 x 5.8 x 5.9 CM (cabinet)
price: $1950

A fine, large and attractive Smithsonite with the most desired wet-look luster. From a major find in China in 2018-19 these were sold by many as Cadmium Smithsonites. This was huge news at that time and many pieces were sold for very high prices. It now seems few if any are actually true Cadmium-bearing pieces from this find, but they are as in this case still very attractive. The price of this piece is far lower than was asked in the initial offerings. In fine condition, this was sawn on the underside to remove it without damage, the sawn area is not seen on display. Super chatoyant and with great textures, this is a very nice addition to any Smithsonite suite. Better in person too.

Mimetite - classic German locale
stock #23.1-665
Haus Badden Mine, Sehringen, Badenweiler, Friburg
Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany
6 x 4.5 x 3.1 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $165

Tiny but perfect orange balls of Mimetite on a darker matrix from this ancient Lead mine. The Haus Badden mine is known for some fine rare lead secondaries as well as some more common yet esthetic species. This specimen is from an old find, there was a newer find of Mimetite by collectors in 2009 that were yellow color, these are a much deeper orange.

Hydroxylherderite - classic Northeastern USA
stock #24.1-170-(JCO)
Bennett Quarry, Buckland, Oxford County
Maine, United States
2.1 x 1.7 x 1.1 CM (thumbnail)
price: $290

Sharp, perfectly formed and doubly terminated main crystal with no matrix, only a few smaller crystals and a tiny fleck of Mica are attached. A classic Maine specimen from the famed Bennett Quarry, the crystal has an unidentified thin chocolate brown skin on most of the faces. In a few spots the coating is gone and the crystal seen below is gem clear and colorless. It seems to be a simple job to remove this coating, but it may be one of the more rare Phosphates so it should stay until identified. This is an excellent specimen from this locale and with the color coating very unusual too.

Grossular - Gem crystals on Pectolite
stock #AX-32-066
Jeffrey Mine, Asbestos (now Val-des-Sources, Estrie,
Quebec, Canada
4.3 x 2.5 x 2.3 CM (miniature)
price: $3300

Over several decades many fine Grossular have come from the Jeffrey Mine, but very few are truly gem crystals. This is an exceptionally fine and rare specimen with outstanding clarity, especially vivid color and top luster. The matrix is also much less common, a mass of Pectolite crystals that adds a contrast in texture and color. The Garnets are clear enough to see through to the matrix below. We have worked with many fine Jeffrey Garnets but very few of this quality ever. This is not at all typical of the deposit and is better in person as well. In excellent condition as seen with only some small internal cleaves not visible from most angles. Those would be fully invisible if this was not such a gem clear specimen. A excellent Garnet from anyplace and very fine for the Jeffrey Mine.

stock #AX-10-868
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
7.3 x 6.8 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $420

A rich and large vug of Aurichalcite crystals in hairlike masses and clusters. Excellent color and in very fine condition. A classic from Mina Ojuela, this is a fairly old (1970-80 era) specimen and far better than the usual seen from this locality .It has a very large blue zone, long hairs (to well over 1 CM) in thick layers and has real display impact. Very few minerals in the world have this exact color, it stands out in any cabinet!

SOLDSpinel on Marble- classic Mogog red
stock #SOLD 24.1-181
Pein Pyit, Mogok, Pyin-Oo-Lwin District
Mandalay Division, Myanmar (Burma)
3.1 x 2.4 x 2.2 CM (thumbnail)
price: $0

A single bright red crystal of Spinel sits on a small mass of pure white Marble. The form is a modified octahedron and is undamaged, complete and presents well. This is classic Mogok material, the crystal is vividly fluorescent and displays well from all sides. This is a small and affordable version of the top larger Spinels that are known from here which typically sell at incredibly high prices.

Topaz - clear gem crystal
stock #24.1-182
Sakangyi-Kyauk-Pyat-That, Mogok, Pyin-Oo-Lwin,
Mandalay Division, Myanmar (Burma)
2.7 x 1.8 x 1.6 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $240

Sharp and water-clear transparent Topaz crystal with very bright luster. From the pegmatite of Sakangyi, it is perfectly formed and undamaged. Sadly the current state in Myanmar is very much in chaos and no mining of any sort is going on. This may take a very long time to resolve. The complex mineralogy of this region has produced many incredible finds and is of course world famed for the gem Corundum found there. Topaz like this can be fantastic, showing these very elegant and complex terminations, prism modifications and very sharp form.