Chrysocolla - druzy sprays
stock #RET 20.1-325
Inca De Oro, Chanaral
Atacama Region,
8.3 x 7.9 x 6.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $390
Pre Tucson
Colorful, sparkling sprays of radiating Chrysocolla filling a vug in ore. The drusy Quartz covers the Chrysocolla and there is a zone of light blue druzy as well. In fine condition, this deposit has been exhausted for many years these Chrysocolla are modern classics.
Topaz - classic Russian, on Feldspar, Quartz
stock #ARET 16.1-597
Murzinka Mine,Sarapulka Dist., Sverdlovskaya Oblast, Middle Urals
Urals Region,
5.4 x 3.2 x 3 CM (small cabinet/large miniature)
price: $560
Pre Tucson
A 2.5 CM tall gem clear colorless Topaz crystal rises above the contrasting Matrix. The Topaz is undamaged, in impeccable condition, the matrix has some bruising but it is the matrix and not at all a detriment. A very nice composition over all, good Topaz from the Urals is something of a mineralogical prize and highly respected by collectors. A very good value for the quality and esthetics.
Eosphorite on Rose Quartz
stock #RT 20.1-326
Pitorra Claim, Laranjeiras, Galileia, Doce Valley
Minas Gerais,
4.7 x 4.6 x 3.4 CM (miniature)
price: $440
Pre Tucson
Dense clusters of golden-brown Eosphorite needle crystals on contrasting Rose Quartz. The Eosphorite is transparent and very lustrous. The condition is excellent which is impressive for these slender, delicate crystals. The Rose Quartz is also well-crystalized, the largest prism is over 1 CM though most are smaller. An excellent example of the specie which is also attractive and undamaged.
Beryl var. Emerald
stock #ARET 8.2-387
Coscuez Mine
6.2 x 4.8 CM (small cabinet/ large miniature)
price: $3400
Pre Tucson
Classic Colombian Emerald crystal on matrix. Excellent transparency, the crystal is fairly thick, glassy with basal termination. The color is a very rich green but not quite the top intense color which is of course far more expensive. Sits well and stands out in any sort of display. It is very hard to find sizable crystals on matrix that have not been repaired, faked or otherwise unnatural. This one is fully natural and not enhanced. The crystal is 2.2 x 1.7 CM and is nicely balanced on the matrix. Good condition, there are micro edge chips seen with loupe but no really bad damage, the "bottom end" of the crystal is contacted and does not show a clear termination. This quality is now very hard to get in Colombia at any reasonable price if at all. If this was mined today this would be treated, infused, cut and sold in the gem market. It would also be a lot more expensive!
Carrollite on Calcite
stock #23.1-235
Kamoya, Kambove, Katanga Copper Crescent
Haut- Katanga,
Democratic Republic of Congo (Zaire)
4 x 3.8 x 3.3 CM (miniature)
price: $280
Pre Tucson
A pair of perfect Carrollite crystals nestled in a Calcite matrix. The Carrollites have bright metallic luster mostly silvery but a few faces have a golden sheen too. These crystals reach 1.4 CM. This is from the finds in 2005 where the matrix was a solid Calcite. Many later finds had Talc and Calcite matrix and the Carrollites tended to fall out, hence there were many matrix-less single crystals and repaired matrix pieces. This is fully natural and not repaired. For the past 6 years there has not been any new finds. This locality has a well earned respect for the best Carrollites even found. Though this is not a top piece from this mine it is choice and affordable and better in size and quality than any specimens from any other location in the world.
Quartz - faden habit
stock #AX-25-006
Waziristan Ophiolite, North Waziristan
Kyber Pakhtunkhwa,
6.3 x 2.3 x .5 CM (cabinet)
price: $240
Pre Tucson
Textbook perfect, a gem clear faden Quartz crystal with distinctly visible central white string inclusion. The crystal is in the form of stacked and conjoined flattened sections most of which have aligned striations and all of which are flawless with no chips or issues. This style of faden Quartz is famed from several old European Alpine localities, but this level of perfection from there is very rare and typically very expensive. The amazing finds from Pakistan (Waziristan area) have been one of the great mineral discoveries of the past decade. The quality and quantity were enough to allow fine pieces like this to be far more affordable. However, nothing lasts forever and these Quartz are already becoming classics. This specimen was selected from hundreds found in 2019 for condition and esthetic presentation, it is far better than average for this find.
Fluorite - 2 intergrown spinel twins
stock #23.1-222
Hohenstein Massif, Omaruru District
Erongo Region,
4.6 x 3.3 x 2.1 CM (miniature)
price: $1950
Pre Tucson
A most unusual intersection of two complete spinel habit twins of Fluorite. In outstanding condition, the crystals are all translucent and mostly transparent. Aside from a few tiny bits of Muscovite there is nothing other than Fluorite here, no matrix. The color is zoned with a light purple predominating but the outer edges are a deep purple and the core has some yellow to orange lines. This area of the Erongos has been the source of several great Fluorite finds. Each find has been somewhat unique and many habits were never seen again as in the famed Alien Eyes of 2007. This is from an incredible 2021-2 find of very distinctive spinel twins. Great in person and in a display with backlighting this is amazing.
Rhodochrosite with Aegirine
stock #23.1-727
Mont Saint-Hilaire, Monteregie
2.8 x 2.7 x 2.4 CM (small miniature/ large thumbnail (toenail))
price: $180
Pre Tucson
Rhodochrosite crystals clustered with a few slender Aegirine piecing the flat Rhombs. Classic form from Mt St. Hilaire showing the triangular shapes and flattened rhombs that are well-known from this amazing mine. I very good condition, no eye-visible damage and really no matrix either.