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Cuprite - classic Cornish, well-crystallized
stock #8.AE-703
Wheal Gorland, St Day, United Mines, Gwennap. Camborne, Redruth-St. Day
Cornwall, England
5.7 x 4.4 x 4.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $770

A solid, rich mass of octahedral crystals, essentially all Cuprite, in an esthetic cluster. Ex British Museum (no old label was retained but the piece has been published) this is certainly a very old specimen. This was one of the most famous classic specimen localities in all of Cornwall, with the primary mining finished in 1851. Some later mining did occur but the produced little. There are hundreds of small Cuprite crystals on this piece, dark red in color and with a good sparkling luster. Larger crystals from here exist but in our experience they are a more dull dark brown red. A choice old English Copper, far better than typical from this famed mine.

Pyromorphite - 2 generations
stock #24.1-474
Broken Hill, Yancowinna County
New South Wales, Australia
6.4 x 5.1 x 2.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $460

A very odd Pyro from Broken Hill, we have not seen another like this. The angular matrix has a display surface fully covered with small, acicular Pyromorphite crystals. What is unusual is these crystals have formed on some earlier Pyromophite crystals of exceptional size, the largest is 3.4 CM long. On close exam it seems that the original crystals were broken loose and then became reattached to a floor with a new generation of Pyro growing over them. By naked eye this is in fine shape but with thousands of tiny crystals it is inevitable that a few are broken as seen by strong loupe. The color is a greenish-yellow hue with some contrast to the darker matrix. A quite old specimen from this iconic locale, a great addition to any pyromorphite suite or mineral oddities collection.

SOLD Topaz - natural blue crystal
stock #SOLD AC-377
Virgem do Lapa
Minas Gerais, Brazil
5.8 x 5.7 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $0

A hefty blue Topaz with very good natural color and 188 grams weight. Mid 1960 era vintage crystal, this is quite glassy and has several transparent gem sections. However the crystal is cleaved as seen and has noticeable damage especially on backside / edge so it is a far less expensive piece yet still looks rather nice. This crystal was spared cutting (there is a lot of gem rough inside) and resided in an East Coast collection for nearly a half century. True blue Topaz (not treated or irradiated) is rare world-wide and this more vivid blue color is further limited to a very few localities. Not a piece for perfectionists, but a big and colorful gem crystal at below the gem-rough value for a collector who appreciates color.

Calcite with Stibnite inclusions
stock #7.AE-515
Nanping, Hechi prefecture
Guangxi Province, China
6.6 x 4.1 x 3.8 CM (cabinet)
price: $2200

Exceptional and unusually perfect, a complete, sharp, undamaged floater crystal of Calcite that is doubly terminated, gemmy and shot through with metallic crystals of Stibnite. The Stibnite is protruding on some faces and makes a great contrast. The luster on the Calcite is top notch, glassy and very hard to capture in photos. In person it is a killer. From finds in 2004-5 at Nanping in the Nandan district of Guangxi Province (China). This is the best such specimen I have seen from this long closed locale. There were not many in the find and most were both smaller and much less well-defined. A modern classic of a style that is now impossible to find on the market. A choice addition for a Calcite suite or a Chinese collection.

SOLD Aurichalcite
stock #SOLD 20.1-457
Mina Ojuela, Mapimi
Durango, Mexico
7.3 x 4.4 x 3.4 CM (cabinet)
price: $0

The amazing mines of Mina Ojuela have produced many wonderful and colorful minerals over almost 4 centuries. Aurichalcite is classic for the locale, this one with very good color and a few clear Calcites for contrast. The acicular needles that are protected in the 2.5 CM vug are in fine condition, the other crystalized areas show some matting of the crystals. Displays well.

SOLD Amethyst scepters with Quartz, US Classic
stock #SOLD 24.1-284-(DK)
Denny Mt., Kings County
Washington, United States
7.2 x 5.8 x 3.1 CM (cabinet)
price: $0

From the famed finds at Denny Mountain decades ago. Quartz crystals and scepters are clustered on a contrasting matrix showing the classic habit of this legendary locality. In fine condition overall, the main scepter is 3.3 CM tall and has fine color. All the free standing crystals are in fine condition and well terminated. This specimen came through the hands of Bart Cannon in the late 1970's so is nearly 50 years old and of the style and habit that made the location famous. Among the most important of USA Quartz locations but quite uncommon to be available today in this quality.

Elbaite - gem tourmaline
stock #24.1-303
Cruzeiro Mine, Sao Jose de Safira
Minas Gerais, Brazil
5 x 1 x .8 CM (miniature)
price: $1300

From the now famous "Lollipop Pocket" at Cruziero Mine, a vivid red to green crystal. This find was remarkable for the intense colors of the red tips in contrast to the green zones. The larger specimens were immediately prized and sold for impressively high prices. There were a few smaller crystals that were much more affordable yet were still choice and representative of the find. This is one of those and a good value, the find was made a few years ago in the Cruziero number 3 workings and was the last of the great finds from that legendary locale. This is in excellent condition, has intense color and some stepped side crystallization as well. This crystal also has the unusual tri-zone coloring, with the bright red termination going to a green zone, with hints of yellow, then returning to a red hue at the base.

Barite on Calcite - classic southern Illinois
stock #AX-7-418-(13)
Cave-in-Rock, Hardin County
Illinois, United States
3.8 x 3 x 2.9 CM (miniature)
price: $120

Blue Barite bladed crystals in rosette arrangements on yellow Calcite. Ex. Larry White collection, the Barite is in fine condition, The yellow Calcite matrix is formed of cleaved crystals and makes a nice contrast to the blue Barite. Larry's collection ledger states he obtained this in 1973 from the Adamas dealership. This sort of Barite is now very rarely seen from the Cave-in-Rock locality and is a nice addition to the more common Fluorites for which this zone is famed.