Cerussite -Two generations
stock #7AE-418
Daoping Mine, Gongcheng County, Guilin Prefecture
Guangxi Province,
9.8 x 8.2 x 4.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $1150
Spring 23
Large and very well crystallized plate of Cerussite crystals that are both yellow and green colors. From an impressive find at the Daoping mine (China) in 2003. The yellow color has been referred to as Chrome Cerussite and the green as Cuprian. It is not certain if this is in fact true at this locality, but no matter which elements are causing the color the crystal are undoubtably beautiful. The condition is exceptional, all the main crystals are perfect without damage, this is remarkable due to the fragility of Cerussite and the exposure of the prisms. The largest crystal is 1.7 CM. The larger crystals are translucent yellow and the smaller earlier generation are green to blue green. A modern classic, this quality is just not available anymore.
stock #7 AE-016
Otjikoto Region,
7.8 x 3.6 x 2.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $480
Spring 23
A fine old Tsumeb Smithsonite with a chain of rhombs aligned on a thin blade of Dolomite. The Smithsonite is in excellent condition with chocolate brown crystals to 1.7 CM across on the outer edge resting on smaller yellow-brown crystals below. The luster is matte to silky and the crystals are well defined.