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Fluorite and Dolomite
stock #6.2-210
Shangbao Pyrite Mine, Leiyang
Hunan Province,
9.4 x 5.4 x 4.3 CM (cabinet)
price: $520

For almost 3 decades the Shangbao Mine has produced some fine and diverse Fluorites. Every few years a new style is found and older styles disappear. This is a vintage 2003 specimen with glass clear Fluorites and pinkish Dolomites in fine condition. The Fluorites are cubes with beveled edges and clear glassy central faces. Excellent esthetics, this displays well from many angles and shows both species in a nice balance. Shangbao is one of the greatest Fluorite localities in the world. Later finds were also incredible but of very different style and habit. A choice example of an earlier era, this is a nice addition to any Fluorite collection and especially to a Chinese suite.

SOLD Galena and Calcite - USA Classic
stock #SOLD 0221-JM-3820
Pitcher Field, Tri State District, Ottawa County
Oklahoma, United States
8.8 x 6.8 x 4.2 CM (cabinet)
price: $0

Ex John Marshall collection, a very fine old Tri-state area Galena and Calcite. The Tri-state zone was at one time legendary for the quantity of specimens that seemed to be everywhere in the 1930-60 era. For the most part they are gone now, and higher quality specimens like this that were never plentiful are quite rare to see. The Galena has the desirable stepped geometric faces and gunmetal silver color with bright luster. The Calcites are clustered like a crown and are a great contrast. This specimen seems to be a part of a selection purchased by John from Boodle Lane, the legendary eccentric Tri-State dealer. John bought twice from Boodle about 65 years ago, he had a good eye and selected only special or unusual pieces. Certainly a choice Galena from anyplace and very fine as a tri-state specimen.

Fluorite - Bavaria German classic locale
stock #AX-35-064
Marienschacht Mine, Wolsendorf, Upper Palatinate
Bavaria, Germany
8.1 x 5 x 2.6 CM (cabinet)
price: $200

Translucent mass of small crystals in stepped clusters with almost no matrix at all. The green color and luster are both bright. This is an older specimen from the WG Levinson collection, however without his label, though a later label from Skylar Alverson is included. This dates the specimen to the very early years of this mine as Levison was most active in trading minerals from 1897-1910. With backlighting the entire specimen glows well, it is in quite good condition from this old and now fully closed locality where nothing will ever again be produced.

Rhodochrosite - large triangonal habit crystal
stock #24.1-185
Wutong Mine, Liubao, Cangwu Co. Wuzoh Pref.
Guangxi Province, China
6.7 x 5.4 x .7 CM (cabinet)
price: $990

Very sharp, complete with a rich color. a triangular form crystal that is in fine condition. This form of Rhodochrosite is quite uncommon and was best known in far smaller crystals from the famed Mont Saint-Hilaire. This is however a huge crystal from the 2005-6 finds in China from a limited zone that produced some large flat crystals. Unlike most in the find, this one is complete and undamaged on all the edges and seems to be a floater. Complex small steps and faces are noted on the flat sides and edges, probably the result of dissolution and re-crystallization cycles. Several localities worldwide do have flat habit Rhodochrosites which are very different from the scalenohedral and rhomb crystals that are more typical. However those specimens from most localities are not very distinct as to crystal form, they are rounded much like flat nearly circular disks. This is a very fine exception to the rule, a full sharp triangle.

SOLD Hemimorphite -exceptional bright blue botryoidal
stock #SOLD 24.1-145
MFouati Mine, Bouenza Department
Bouenza Department, Republic of Congo (Brazzaville)
4.1 x 2.8 x 2.3 CM (miniature)
price: $0

Intense deep blue and with a wet-look luster, this is a very fine Hemimorphite from a recent find at the Mfouati Mine. This locality in the Republic of Congo has in the past 2 years offered a few fine surprises to the mineral world. We understand that nothing new is possible now as the ownership and management have changed there. That said this is a fine Hemimorphite from anyplace and as fine as any we have seen in this size.

SOLD Elbaite - conjoined dichroic gem crystals
stock #SOLD 18.AX-019
Coronel Murta, Jequitinhonha Valley
Minas Gerais, Brazil
3.2 x 2.6 x 1. CM (thumbnail)
price: $0

A pair of terminated transparent Tourmalines from vintage 1980 finds at Coronel Murta (Minas Gerais, Brazil). This Elbaite is also quite dichroic and best appreciated when rotated in front of a polarized light like a computer screen. The color ranges from almost colorless blue hue to a very dark green. In very good condition overall, this is nearly all facet grade clear and has fine well-developed striations. 17.5 grams and quite different from more recent Brazilian Tourmalines. This will fit at an angle in a perky box but not a 1 inch cube.

Scheelite on Muscovite with Albite - Chinese classic
stock #6.2-481
Mt. Xuebaoding, Pingwu Co., Mianyang Pref.
Sichuan Province, China
6 x 5.7 x 2.7 CM x (cabinet)
price: $390

A fine, sharp and partly gemmy crystal of Scheelite perched and well-exposed on matrix. Bright luster and fine undamaged condition. The crystal is 3 CM across and the color ranges from orange to a straw yellow. From early finds on Mt Xuebaoding, a fine display quality specimen that is of a quality and style not seen in more recent finds.

SOLD Leucite - clustered twin crystals
stock #SOLD AX-35-101
Roccamonfina, Caserta Province
Campania, Italy
4.3 x 4.1 x 3.2 CM (miniature)
price: $0

Leucite is a mineral oddity in that it is classified as both a Feldspathoid and is listed in the Zeolite family as well. It has a crystal form very similar to Analcime. This cluster is in the typical habit and from a well-known Italian locality. Complete all around no damage.